Hi All,
I am using SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP13.
We are planning to do upgrade the ECC landscape from EHP6 SP04 to EHP7 SP12 .
Already the UPL is activated in the production system.
So i have generated the xml and generated the SAP Module oriented Blueprint (Process Step Library) with dynamic TBOM through SEA analysis.
SEA job almost ran for a week and generated this SEA report .
But i am not able to find the clear document how to analysis this report .This is new functionalities shipped from SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP11.
In the SEA analysis , We have summary, Modification/custom development , Test management and Updated SAP Objects.
In Modification/custom development, we have Impact to Modifications [number of objects] and Custom Developments with Development and Unit Test Efforts details.
But i am not about find clear document about to analysis these details in the report.How to compare these details with ERP landscape and test the effected object.
Also what is the difference between in the report of Custom Development Management Cockpit(CDMC) - Upgrade / Change Impact Analysis and SEA analysis report.
Any idea, helps or tips to analysis the SEA report.