Dear experts,
I am doing an upgrade Dual-stack on SOL MAN 7.1 with SUM1.0 SPs16 from Original Support Packages of SOL MAN 7.1 to SP Level 14.
Oracle Database
Windows 2K8 Standard 64bit
I am facing with a problem in phase Execution :MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_SWITCH_KERNEL/GETSYNC_SCS_FINISHED
This phase is running very long time without errors, approx ~2 days. But I realized that there was no changes anything in /SUM/abap/log/* from then until now. So, I don't know how to trace this problem.
Please help me to resolve and see attached logfiles
# Executing module 'MAIN_SWITCH'.
# BEGIN MAIN MODULE Downtime I: Switch tables and Kernel
# Starting phase execution with maxpar = 3, scheduled: 18x'-'
...begin dialog at 20160406111957
...end dialog at 20160406112034
...started at 20160406112034
# Checking for syncpoint SCS=FINISHED
# Java has status "", we'll wait and check every 20 second(s).
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...
# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...