Channel: SCN : Unanswered Discussions - SAP Solution Manager
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SolMan Installation Issue on JLOAD task


Hi Experts,

We could not complete the system copy import since it always stopped at RUN JLOAD task. We tried to do a fresh installation but same error was experienced. Do you know what could probably cause the error? Is there any work around?

See below for further details:

We are currently doing a system copy import of SolMan 7.1 from another server with the same OS and DB which is windows 2012 R2 and Oracle 12c. It's a standard system copy procedure using SWPM.

We have passed the import ABAP and import JAVA dump phases but we got stuck on the RUN JLOAD task. Status of JLoad.java is stuck at "Connecting to database". We let it run for 2 days but there were no changes still.

Appreciate your help.

Solution Manager 7.1 sp14 upgrade


Hi All,


I upgraded my solution manager to sp14 but now when I do solman_setup-> System Prep-> Check Installation phase it fails.



Now the problem is that my ST-SER component was upgraded to 720 and Solman is now looking for ST-SER 701_2010_1.


How can I get passed this problem?




Stop Solman monitoring a database during an upgrade


Hi All,


I'm about to upgrade an Oracle 10g database to 12c but there is a note in the Upgrade Guide for UNIX that says :-


Make sure that processes that log on to the database, such as CRON jobs, are not active during the upgrade.

Make sure that you reschedule these processes when the upgrade has finished.


So my first thought was Solman.


So my question is, how do I prevent or rather pause Solman from attempting to connect to this database whilst I perform the upgrade?

Is it simply to schedule a Planned Downtime phase via Work Mode Management is that sufficient?


Reason I ask this is because 3 of my sap systems running Oracle have a scheduled Planned Downtime every night for an offline backup and yet I see errors in the system log for Solman that it still tries to connect to them several times during the planned downtime!


I need to prevent this from happening.




MAIN_SWITCH/.../GETSYNC_SCS_FINISHED running very long time


Dear experts,

I am doing an upgrade Dual-stack on SOL MAN 7.1 with SUM1.0 SPs16 from Original Support Packages of SOL MAN 7.1 to SP Level 14.

Oracle Database


Windows 2K8 Standard 64bit

I am facing with a problem in phase Execution :MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_SWITCH_KERNEL/GETSYNC_SCS_FINISHED

This phase is running very long time without errors, approx ~2 days. But I realized that there was no changes anything in /SUM/abap/log/* from then until now. So, I don't know how to trace this problem.

Please help me to resolve and  see attached logfiles



# Executing module 'MAIN_SWITCH'.


# BEGIN MAIN MODULE Downtime I: Switch tables and Kernel


# Starting phase execution with maxpar = 3, scheduled: 18x'-'

...begin dialog at 20160406111957

...end dialog at 20160406112034



...started at 20160406112034

# Checking for syncpoint SCS=FINISHED

# Java has status "", we'll wait and check every 20 second(s).

# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 5 minutes before logging...

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# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...

# Java has status "", wait another 60 minutes before logging...



ABAP software componnent is installed in non_ABAP system


Hello Colleauge,


We are in the process of generating stack file to upgrade our EHP7 on HANA to EHP7 on HANA simple finance.

Though we only need to upgrade sap_fin and related component to still it requires to generate stack file from solution manger.


In the process of that i have integrated my EHP7 system to solution manager while generating stack file i am getting the below error , could you please help me in resolving the error.





ITSM: Authorization based on multi level categories is not working.


Dear Experts,


In our ITSM configuration, we use the mutlilevel categories to classify tickets on the basis of country/region/plants.One of our requirement is to restrict the display of tickets on the basis of country [defined in level 1 category]. From our analysis, we understood that auth.object CRM_SSCCAT can be used to meet our scenario. However, it is not working as expected. We also attempted to implement the SAP note 2075307 - [Authorization check on CRM_SSCCAT fails], but it didn't help. Could you please any one tell us the steps required to meet our requirement. Basically, we are trying to restrict the display/edit the incidents on the basis of categories [here country]. For example, if an IT user in USA attempt to search for tickets of all countries, the system should only display the tickets of USA and not others.


We also understood from the below link that a BADI can be introduced to meet our need. However, we are trying to explore the possibility of controlling the access within Auth.Objects.




You are suggestions are welcomed.





Post installation and service desk configuration in Solution manager 7.1


Hello Expert,


I have installed solman 7.1, I want to know how to do post installation steps and service desk configuration.


I have searched in google and all but I did not get any relevant document.


It will be a great help.Thanks in advance.



Sourav saha

Scope item report?


We are on Solution Manager 7.1, sp 10 and use ChaRM.  Is there a way we can report on all items in RfC's in the scope assignment block? In other words a report on all scope for all RfC's that are not yet being implemented, and scope has not yet been released for Development.   In lieu of any report, is there a back end table that might help get this done?

How to integrate ChaRM with a 3rd party ticketing tool ?


Hello Solman Experts !



Looking for your help to understand how can we integrate ChaRM with a 3rd party ticketing tool ?


We have Solman 7.1 and we are on SP12. We recently implemented ChaRM and instead of Solman ITSM we are using a 3rd party Ticketing Tool similar to Remedy. Currently an RFC (leading to either an NC, UC or AC based on requirements) is opened if the Ticket requires a Transport or another piece of Development. The challenge is, creating the RFC requires to replicate all the info present in the ticket. It would not only be time saving but also less error prone if the info (Fields such as Requestor, description, priority, attachments etc) from the 3rd party ticketing tool could flow into the Request for Change document in ChaRM. Further down the process it would help to provide automatic status updates to the ticketing tool as ChaRM documents moving along

the process. Right now we have a custom field in ChaRM that references the Ticket Number of the external tool. But that is only for reference purposes and does not add functionality.


My understanding is that Solman ITSM can be configured to integrate with a 3rd party ticketing tool. But this would introduce another layer in the information flow between the 3rd party Ticket Tool and ChaRM. It would also require additional effort on configuration and maintenance.


Is there a way to integrate ChaRM directly with a 3rd party ticketing tool?


Your help will be greatly appreciated. Any previous examples of this type of integration or architecture documentation will be highly beneficial.



-Anshul Agrawal

Retrofit for EHP update project


Hi everybody,


Is it possible to use the Solution Manager 7.1 Retrofit functionality to keep synchronized two landscapes during an SAP ERP EHP update project (Dual Maintenance)?


I have seen a lot of discussions about Retrofit but few about Retrofit during SAP ERP upgrade or SAP ERP EHP update projects. I have only seen some non-answered posts about this subject.


Can somebody help me with that? If someone could point some documentation it would be nice.


Thank you very much.

Charm unable to import into follow on systems (after Prod imp)


We have downstream systems of type Evaluation and Training which are setup via transport routes to receive transports after the Production system.


                                        ----> EVAL

DEV -> QA -> PROD ---|

                                        -----> TRAIN



Client role settings are set to (D) "Demo" in the Evaluation Client and (E)Training/Education in the other target clients.



I can see that the transports are only added to the import buffers (For the down stream systems) AFTER the Prod import is done (Maintenance Cycle status Go-Live at that point)


After the Prod import however,we get errors preventing us from importing into the downstream/follow on systems via SCMA Task List - this occurs in both Maintenance Cycle phases Go-Live and Being Completed.



For the Training/Education(E) systems we get the error:


Task cannot be executed/scheduled during the phase 'Being Completed'


Task cannot be executed/scheduled during the phase 'Go-Live'


For the Evaluation System (D) we get the errors:


Action SM_IMP_TEST is not allowed in this phase  (ie Both Go-Live and Being Completed)

Has anybody come across this problem before and found a Solution.



Questions About a new class of Change


Hello guys, The company requires a new class of change that can be a copy of the normal change but it needs a new approval before the OT is imported to PRD, what is the best way to do it?, I have configured  ChaRM before but in a standard way, 1. can be the approvals linked to the status of the change document? or 2. I need to set a new status copy of some in the standard?. 3. Can I add this "new" class of change to the create menu in Change Request Management?.


Thanks in Advance for your help





SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME captured all dialogue WP  .Alll dialogue nd update WP were occupied by SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME and user was SAPSYS.Can you plz brief me about SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME.. How to overcome this problem

Best practice to transfer a project into a solution?




Can anyone tell me the best practice procedure for transferring a project to a solution? At the moment I have knowledge about one way of doing it and that is by selecting the solution and then choose the project as your source, but isn't there any methods to transfer the whole project content into a solution automatically? And if there is will it overwrite all content in the solution or just the ones that have been changed?


Thank you for your help.


Best regards,


New Solution Documentation - Where to start?




I will probably soon be assigned an assignment, when I get comfortable in the subject of solution documentation. But to be comfortable I need a few input which I hope I can get from here. The assignment is not complex. They want to have all their documentation in SolMan.


We have company x who has SolMan 7.1.

Lets assume that:

- SolMan is already configured correctly

- System landscape is up to date


My thought, in order to put all their documentation in a solution, is to have the customer working on a business blueprint representing all of their business scenarios, processes and steps. I don't have much knowledge about company x's processes so I guess I can't be of much help here?


What do you think about this? do you have any other suggestions on how and where to start this assignment?


Thank you


Best regards,


Select SLD step in SOLMAN_SETUP


Hello All,


we are in progress of Solution Manager Configuration in Transaction Solman_Setup. we have successfully completed first 5 steps under System preparation. In the 6th step Prepare landscape Description we are in the step "Select SLD". Here we wanted to use our PI SLD. so we have given the PI SLD host name and the port along with the user that is needed for connecting. The User is created with the needed roles. Now we wanted to register solution manager in that SLD itself. so we have selected the option "Change DS Target" which in turn opened a new window. There we have given the required details like Abap and Java user(SOLMAN_ADMIN), current client, instance, the SLD server, gateway host and gateway port(of PI) and in the users SLDAPIUSER and SLDDSUSER we have given the users which are created on PI with appropriate roles and for CTC users we have given our passwords and then tried to save and move on to next. Here we are getting an error stating the the pw are wrong or user is locked for the users  SLDAPIUSER and SLDDSUSER. Again we have tried them in a different way by creating them on Solman itself and tried. still it didnt work:(


Note: UME of solman pointing to current client only which we have noticed earlier and changed.


what might be the issue here? usually on where those users needed to be created on PI(as we are using PI SLD) or on Solman.


please do help us as we are stuck at this step and we have a very long way to go......




Need customization on alert email in solman


Hi Folks,


Presently I am working on SAP PO 7.4 sp12. I configured alerts from solman its working fine. But I need to customize the email.


I need to display PO interface details in the alert email... How would I done this requirement in Solman.



I need to send a alert email from solman like all the error details of SAP PO.





Sreenivasa Veldanda.

Technical Monitoring -> Templates ->work mode options


Hi Guys,


Any one  suggest how to maintain template level work mode setting options (Active and Inactive). like below 2nd screen and 3rd scren shot.IT_Cal_options.PNG

Thank you.

ITSM : Dump in Category Modeler


Dear Experts,


I have just finished setting up a new client in solution manager and I am trying to create a new categorization schema in that new client. While assigning a new Application area, as soon as select the Application ID as "Service Request/Incident" and Parameter as "Transaction type/Catalog category", I get a dump message stating


500 SAP Internal Server Error

Error: Field symbol has not yet been assigned.


It also registers a GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED dump in ST22.



Category               ABAP Programming Error                                                      
Runtime Errors         GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED                                                          
ABAP Program           CL_CRM_CATEGO_GENIL===========CP                                            
Application Component  CRM                                                                         
Date and Time          07.04.2016 22:52:21                                                         

Short text                                                                                       
    Field symbol has not yet been assigned.                                                      

What happened?                                                                                   
    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                        
    The current ABAP program "CL_CRM_CATEGO_GENIL===========CP" had to be                        
    terminated because it has                                                                   
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                               

What can you do?                                                                                 
    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                         
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                       
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                                  
    at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                         
    keep them for a long time.                                                                   

Error analysis                                                                                   
    You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol                                           
    (data segment "-1").                                                                         
    This error may occur if                                                                      
    - You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with                               
    - You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an                                  
      internal table that was deleted                                                            
    - You address a field symbol that was previously reset using                                 
      UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no                                          
      longer exists                                                                              
    - You address a global function interface, although the                                      
      respective function module is not active - that is, is                                     
      not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls                                  
      can be taken from this short dump.                                                         


Could you help me overcome this error to proceed further?


Also, for your information, category modeler works in the existing client without any issues and this problem is occurring only in the new client that is recently built.




upgrade impact analysis using solution manager instead of panaya tool?


Hi Solution Manager Experts,


1. I just upgraded my sandbox system to the latest enhancement pack level, want to see any code changes have been made in my new enhancement system with respect to my old version? can i do it with Solution Manager?

Previously we use to work with panaya tool and find the change code analysis. Now i heard we can do the same analysis using solution manager tools.Is this correct? if Yes, will it be accurate as panaya tool?


2. can some one shed some lights on how to find the code changes of my latest patch sandbox system with compare to the old sandbox system using solution manager?


I got some links, which are old, can some one help me with any sap guide, sap blog, sap post or document that would be really helpful


Upgrade impact analysis (Panaya vs Sol Man)


Thanks in advance,

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