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soap to soap synchronous message logging in sappi 7.3


Hi All,


I have a SOAP to SOAP scenario in sappi 7.31 and we use java mapping.


My question is related to SOAP receiver adapter which calls the external web service. We are able to see the request data in channel monitoring. But not able to see the response message in the channel monitoring. below is the screen shot:


we have already set the properties as below:



How to get the response message  in  message monitoring ? What additional setting we need do?

Appreciate any input or further pointers.

LMDB: automatically maintain customer attributes




i want to maintain the content of customer attributes automatically and not manually for the items in LMDB.

If anybody can tell my the table where the customer attributes are stored into it, this should be enough.

Then i will write a script that updates the fields of the customer attributes.






Problem with the SAP Best Practice Import into a project (Solman 7.2)


Hi To all,



After I successfully implemented SAP note SAP Note 2194123, but still I do not have possibility to download complete SAP best practice.  During My download I was able to download part of the Best Practice. After fetching  SAP Best Practice from rapid.sap.com i got the error like is presented in the below picture.


In the Solution Documentation all processes  are  fetched from the rapid.sap.com ,





but when I assign  this solution to the my project I expect to have all tasks available and from the SAP Best practice but this is not the case. Results are presented in the below picture.


In the associated solution you should have project link (picture above )in our case project "Best Practice " should be listed, but this is not the case!!!!





According to the note  2194123 I created all necessary steps and when I do the connection test in SM59 I will got this error




Maybe this SM59 connection test is not  proper for the HTTP connections if not how is possible to test this type of connections?


My SM59 RFC connection is following :





When My S -user is logged into the rapid.sap.com I am able to see following menus





I do not know where is the problem either my s- user does not have proper rights on rapid.sap.com or  something else is missing  ?



Please advise


Thank you in advance for your effort.



Boris Milosevic

Solution Manager 7.2 for VARs


Hi all,


I was looking for some deeper information on Solution Manager 7.2 for VAR scenario as we are preparing a upgrade roadmap for our solution landscape.

The official SAP pages for partners just refer to the current release, I could not find any further information beside the release and the sp stack schedule.

From the past we learned that a stable release containing all relevant VAR features comes with the 3rd, 4th, 5th SPS..


So, does anyone have some further details on that?


Thx, Richard

Mopz configuration error. Java component smr is empty


Hi all,


I configured the mopz in solution manager for the purpose of patch update in solman SP4 to SP14.i got this error in transaction phase.


mopz error.PNG



Rajeshkumar V

Business Process Blueprinting issue


Hello All,


I have any issue with BPB tool , Connected to Solution manager but unable to open existing business blueprint from Tool.


I have Deleted the workspace and tried but same issues


logfiles says below error , attached screen for your Reference


com.sap.bpl.dashboard.section.blueprintproject.service.EBBProjectListProvider [Thread[main,6,main]] Error: CA-BPL-BPBEntity does not exist



RahulBBP issue.png

Unable to Update JAVA System Details in SLD


My Solution Manager JAVA system Details are not updating in SLD. (7.1)

I am able to send the data from Visual Admin. But Data in SLD not getting Updated.



But When checking logs in SLD.

SQL Error: SQL0413N Overflow occurred during numeric data ty pe conversion. SQLSTA


Hi Guys,


I am working on configuring DVM, where am stuck with "Activate BW Content is not working".

This is one of the known issues as mentioned in the below blog:

DVM Troubleshooting in SAP Solution Manager 7.1 - Technical Operations - SCN Wiki


Working through it's solution, an aggregate jobs needs to be run.

That  particular job ends with the below error:

04/01/2016 10:15:54 SQL Error: SQL0413N  Overflow occurred during numeric data ty pe conversion.  SQLSTA

04/01/2016 10:15:54 SQL-END: 04/01/2016 10:15:54 00:01:41

04/01/2016 10:15:54 Editing of aggregate 100011 in main process

04/01/2016 10:15:54 Aggregate 100011(0SM_SIZES) is being filled

04/01/2016 10:15:54 SQL Error: 413-

04/01/2016 10:15:55 Job finished



Our Solman is running on DB2 Db.


Has anyone faced this before?




Problem in solution manager 7.1 upgradition SP-4 to SP-12


Hi, this is srinivas. I am having this error Please help me as soon as possible.


upgrading solman 7.1 SPS 4 to SPS 12 on windows 2008 r2 enterprise  server on SQL server 2012


tp information




kernel release                721

kernel make variant          721_REL

DBMS client library          SQL_Server_9.00              

DBSL shared library version  721.02

compiled on                  NT 5.2 3790 S x86 MS VC++ 14.00 for NTAMD64

compiled for                  64 BIT

compilation mode              UNICODE

compile time                  Dec 11 2014 19:53:31

update level                  0

patch number                  331

source id                    0.400



Getting error




2EETW000 sql error:  8630 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during



execution (HRESULT = 0x80040e19).

2EETW125 SQL error "8630" during "8630" access: "Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an



unexpected error during execution (HRESULT = 0x80040e19)."

E:\usr\sap\S02\DVEBMGS03\exe\R3trans.exe finished (0012).

R3trans=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.

R3trans=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline

stopping on error 12 during MAIN IMPORT



Thank you,


appropriate CA for SSL configuration in SAP HOST AGENT


Hello experts,


I wanted to configure SSL connection for SAP Host AGent according to Configuring SSL for SAP Host Agent on Windows - SAP Host Agent - SAP Library.


In step 3 one is prompted to get the response of an appropriate CA.



My simple question is: What is an apporpriate CA? Is it SAP, a CA which is in the public key infrastrucutre of your own company, or is it a CA which I can also use to get responses for usual SSL certificates like for a company website? Is it really necessary to let the certificate be signed by an CA if our SAP Host agent is only used internally - because, you know, it creates cost?


Best regards,



User name in ITSM search result


Hi all,

When we are searching some Incident in the results its showing name /address under Message processor or Reported by column.


  Is there any customization to change this behavior  to show only the user name under this column.

Diagnostics Agent Installation via SWPM




ich bin dabei den Diagnostics Agent zu installieren. dabei verwende ich den aktuellsten SWPM (SWPM10SP10_3-20009707) und den dazugehörigen kernel (51049724_10). Bei der Installation stehen zwei Optionen zur Auswahl:


  • Install - Diagnostics Agent
  • Install - Diagnostics Agent with 7.45 Kernel

Ganz gleich welche Option ich auswähle kommt im nächsten Bild folgendes:


2016-04-04 10_53_24-Clipboard.png


Die SAR Files befinden sich im Kernel Unterverzeichnis 51049724_10\DATA_UNITS\K_742_U_WINDOWS_X86_64\DBINDEP.

Diese gebe ich einzeln an.




Ich erhalte folgende Meldung:





Auch die Angabe eines Download Baskets bringt nichts. Es kommt die gleiche Meldung wie oben.




Was mache ich denn falsch? Ich habe dutzende Agenten installiert, aber hier mit dem neuen SWPM scheint sich etwas geändert zu haben. Die Parameterisierung der SAR Files gabs in den älteren Versionen nicht, zumindest nicht zu Beginn. Im letzten Screen war die Übersicht über die zu entpackenden SAR Files.


Über Lösungsvorschläge würde ich mich freuen.

Vielen Dank.





HI Experts,


             We are using charm in our project for the last 6 months and everything working fine. But now we noticed one conflict as stated below in steps.


1.Developer developing a Function module and  saves it in task under the main transport.Lets say this version is version 1.0

2.Developer releases his task and asks basis to transport it to QAS.

3.Basis creates a TOC for the main transport.(TOC is created but not released.)

At this point of time another developer is editing the same Function module and lets say now the current active version for the FM is 2.0

4.Now basis is releasing the TOC.

5.Basis transport TOC to QAS.


But while checking in QAS version 2.0 has been transported instead of 1.0.the current version in QAS for the FM is 2.0.

How come version 2.0 has been transported even though the developer saved version 1.0 in his task and released only that task.

Is this a defect of Charm that it will take the version of the FM at the time of releasing the TOC.(While TOC released the developer was editing his FM and the version has changed to 2.0)


Kindly reply.


Arun Raj.

Error of CBASE file in Initialize context


I am using SAP TAO

I have created a Custom Functions Library file for my project
But when I am executing any component from QC I am getting the error as


"'Path not Found' in CustomFunction.vbs for

ExecuteFile "[QualityCenter] Subject\BPT Resources\Libraries\CBASE_Init.vbs.txt""


I am not sure it is talking about which path as CBASE_Init.vbs.txt file is there in QC.


Please help on the above issue.

Not able to download any attachment from the web portal


Hi Gurus,


I am facing an issue to download any attachment associated with any incident. Error occurs with all the browsers including IE. I have SAP_ALL authorization to my user ID but still getting below error every-time click on the attachment. It is not specific to any file type of attachment, it happens with all the file type like .JPG, .DOC etc..





And here is the full link of that error.



solman 7.1 sp14 cloud S2C_SETUP


Hello Team,

We upgraded solution manage 7.1 to SP14.And i am trying to use tcode S2C_SETUP and S2S_SETUP to configure exception management for cloud solutions.

But when i executed the those tcodes a separate window is opening in browser and throwing me below error.

Could someone help me to fix this



Clientselection in Configuration Validation


Hi everyone


i try to use configuration Validation in solution Manager 7.1. it works fine. now, i have imported the baseline published by sap as new target Systems. in the baseline "BL_S-3 Modification Protection for Production Systems", they check the client-settings. In the store "CLIENTS", there are two line of configuration. On the filters of field MANDT:

- Field MANDT --> (Contains) * [in combination with CCCATHEGORY (=) P] --> for Selection of the productiv-client

- Field MANDT --> (Contains) *+ [in combination with CCCATHEGORY =(A or B) "D" "S" "T" "C" "E"] --> for Selection of the non-productiv-client


Now, what does the expression "*+" in the field? For my understood, the "*" is a wildcard for any character. What the behavior of the additional plus-sign?


Any ressource to check the regular expressions?

thanks for explanation...


Alert for low Memory space and Low file space




We have be running into issues due to unavialability of memory space and in other instance the termination of the most critical business job for unavaiability of file space...We do not have SOLMAN inplace nor proper alert system configured. We use ECC for a business specific application. Any pointer on how to set a threshold value and issue and alert thru email when a memory limit or file limit had been reached so that the BAU can deal with it appropriately before the application crashes?


I'm not a basis expert and hence need some help on how to goahead with this.....i do not believe it can be handled in code (though yes) as it adds much stress on current process and monitoring.

How to set the Person Responsible field in ChaRM correctly?


Hello all,


This might be a silly question but I'm still a beginner in terms of ChaRM configuration so thought I would ask and see if anyone can point me in the right direction


We are currently setting up ChaRM in our landscape and I am struggling to find a fix for one of the reported issues, At the moment we are only using the Urgent Change change document and I have already copied the standard SMHF document to our custom ZHMF document and then made our changes (both to the web ui and by adding custom actions, etc)


Our problem is that the person displayed in the Person Responsible field does not update after a status change (eg from status "Requested for Approval" to "Approved"


for example


When the change document is created the person responsible field is populated with the user entered in the approver field

Example CD:


example cd.jpg


Person Responsible set to the requested Approver:


pers resp.jpg


The change document is then set to a "Requested for Approval" Status using our first custom action. For this the Approver shown in the Person Responsible field is correct, and we have plans to build a email notification into this action at a later stage. The Approver will then approve the change document and then it moves to the next status called ''Approved''. With this status change the person responsible field should update to use the user entered in developer / customizer field (since they now need to set the status to "In Development" and begin working on the change) but this is not happening currently


I think this has to do with our Partner setup and the partner determination procedure but I have not been able to find where I need to change this. We have defined custom business partner roles as a copy of the standard ones eg


pdp proc.jpg


If anyone is able to help it would be much appreciated


Thanks in advance



PO - Message monitoring Alert


Hi All,



we have configured PO Message monitoring in solution manager system and we are receiving alert mails also if the message gets failed. but the alert mail is just showing as "message failed".


But our client wants the email alert with message number or id ,so that we can directly check the failed messages.  .


Could you please help me how to configure this one so that i will get alert with message number? one of my colleague told that need to configure BPMon, then only will get alert like that.


Is it required to configure BPmon to get the alert with message number?




Lakshmanan V

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