We have an issue which is driving us crazy
When we create a ZMCR (change request) we input a ZMHF (urgent correction) into the scope.
The change request gets approved and then we "handover to development". At this step, the urgent correction change document is automatically generated which works fine. However, when accessing the change document it says:
"The task list was not created successfully in SAP Change Manager or the task list is not active. Possible causes:
1. You are not authorized to create a task list in SAP Change Manager
2. You are not authorized to activate a task list in SAP Change Manager
3. The system landscape in SAP Solution Manager has changed and the task list is obsolete
4. The task list has been closed in SAP Change Manager"
Now, I know it's definitely 1 or 2 because it works for me (I do have higher authorization though). However, I have checked the access of everyone else and I'm 99% sure they have all the correct authorization to do this! The only thing they don't have is SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW which we don't want them having.
The users also performed a SU53 and the errors in this are not even relevant. It's stating they don't have ZMHF_06 in B_USERSTAT auth object. However, this is to update the change to "Production Approved" status...which has nothing to do with creating a task list and is nowhere near the first status that is used.
I'm at my wits end and can't figure this out.
Can anyone assist?