Channel: SCN : Unanswered Discussions - SAP Solution Manager
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BW Content Activation (UPL) Upgrade to SP14




after the upgrade to sp14 (from sp 6)  it's nessersary to start the step  "BW Content Activation (UPL)" in the solman setup (Basic Configurtaion)!


This job abort with the the error message:


10.11.2015 16:05:47 Job CCMS_BI_SETUP_20151110160547 successfully scheduled.

10.11.2015 16:06:57 RUNNING: Current Status: RUNNING

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Job CCMS_BI_SETUP successfully scheduled

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Scenarios to be Activated:  UPL

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: 707 0013

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step SPECIAL_CHARS started (10.11.2015 16:06:07)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: 710 0013

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step SPECIAL_CHARS complete (10.11.2015 16:06:07)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step CONTENT_REPAIR started (10.11.2015 16:06:07)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step CONTENT_REPAIR complete (10.11.2015 16:06:07)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_INFOOBJ started (10.11.2015 16:06:07)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 ERROR:  errors while content activation occured

10.11.2015 16:06:57 ERROR: Master Data Table /BI0/PSMD_LPNA contains data: Characteristic 0SMD_LPNA cannot be activated

10.11.2015 16:06:57 ERROR: SID Table /BI0/SSMD_LPNA contains data: Characteristic 0SMD_LPNA cannot be activated

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_INFOOBJ complete (10.11.2015 16:06:57)

10.11.2015 16:06:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_CATALOG started (10.11.2015 16:06:57)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_CATALOG complete (10.11.2015 16:07:01)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_INFOPROV_F started (10.11.2015 16:07:01)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_INFOPROV_F complete (10.11.2015 16:07:15)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_LOCAL_NDF started (10.11.2015 16:07:15)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_LOCAL_NDF complete (10.11.2015 16:07:16)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_QUERIES started (10.11.2015 16:07:16)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 INFO: Setup step ACTIVATE_QUERIES complete (10.11.2015 16:07:38)

10.11.2015 16:07:57 Error occurred, check the logs

10.11.2015 16:07:57 Job wurde nach System-Exception ERROR_MESSAGE abgebrochen


I can't find any SAP Note our SCN Thread about this problem....


Any idea to solve this problem?


thanks for your help



Charm ZMCR should not be able to confirm with ZMHF still open


Hi Experts,


We have an issue where users can set the status of ZMCR to confirmed with ZMHF (Urgent change) still not set to Completed. How can we prevent users from confirming ZMCR with ZMHF still open ?


Users should be able to set ZMCR to confirmed after ZMHF is completed closed.


Can anyone please advise how to configure this solution?

I have set the setting in status attributes for ZMCR (RFC) for status Confirmed (E0006) and mapped it to Specify Required status value for successor with ZMHF to statuses Completed and Withdrawn but still i am able to confirm RFC with ZMHF being in "imported to production status"




Additional columns




We have set up a Idoc alert KPI for one of our customers. They would like to add the below columns from WE05 report in the alert display. How do we go about doing this?. there is no column selection option available in the display list output.






SCC1 in ChaRm


Hello Experts,


Is there a way to implement SCC1 transaction in ChaRM.

Any inputs will be highly appreciated.




Solution Manager 7.1 SR1 SP04 to SP14 update prep_extract/preimp phase


Dear Experts,


I have installed Solution Manager 7.1 SR1 successfully , Now I am updating SP05 to SP14 through SUM, But SUM taking more then 20 hours at the phase of prep_extract/preimp.

I used, 51050041 SAP Solution Manager 7.1 Support Package Stack 14

How to resolve please suggest.

OS - Windows 2012 R2

DB - Oracle

SUM - SP14


Kind Regards,


N S Rathore

Charm not sending emails for Normal Change Request




I am trying to activate sending mail from Normal change request - copy of SMMJ_ACTION, but mail isn't getting triggered from the Normal change request.

Secondly  I would like all users to be able to see import option for Preliminary import and if they execute  it, they should get an error.


Not assigning the authorisation code in the role users are unable to even get the view option .


User status defined are

User status.jpg




Only developers can request preliminary import.. As developer


developer request preliminary import.jpg

Once  request preliminary import action is clicked and status moved to 'Preliminary Import requested',  developer  can only see the option

below. However I would like them to see also the option to Perform Preliminary import into UAT ' so that  when they click on it they should give an authorisation error.


We have had to completely take the  authorisation ZMMJ_05 , which is  the action approve preliminary import (also performing an import) ,

and there is no view option, as giving this actually performs an import

developer unable  see the preliminary import option.jpg


However the basis team can see the two screens as they have authorisation ZZMJ_O5 to import.


Basis import into UAT.jpg


Ideally we want developers to be able to see both, but if they click on Perform Import to  they should get authorisation issue. - not authorised.


It should work like the next option  below,  developers can see next option 'Authorise for Production Import', even though  authorisation code isn't assigned, so if they go to action it, they will get an error message.


Developers can see Authorised to production.jpg

They get error message below which is good.  this is how ZZMJ_05 should be working.

But not authorised to  for import.jpg


My biggest challenge though  is when we click on action 'Request Preliminary Import into Pre-production'  no email is generated.


I have checked the action profiles and partner determination definition and all seems ok,  but action isn't generating any emails.


SCOT is configured correctly and there are no emails either in SOST waiting to go out.  SWUD is also configured correctly and solution manager is sending other mails.


Can't seem to pin down the issue with automatic generation of mails when an action is supposed to send mail and the send mail actions have been configured as below


E.g. of configuration for developer for example, the change manager and all also have this configuration done..


Send email to developer.jpg


Send mail form.jpg



send mail parameter.jpg





ITSM BW Reporitn - tab Source



hi all,


After marking the UC to auth to production no changes should be possible  in attachment tab no addition or deletion of docs.Please let me know.





What is the relation between creating business partner for Org unit and defining organizational model in Solution Manager ITSM?


Hi All


I have few questions regarding Support Team Determination.


Before making a support team, there is a step to exectue below capture screen.












After that, to define support, we define organizational Model.


My question is what is the relations between creating business partenr for Org unit and define organizational model?

I don't know exactly why run report 'HRALXSYNC'?


Please reply me.

Why aren't the e-mail header and body copied into the incident? (ITSM)


We've set up the ITSM scenario according to the wiki page.


We get e-mails into the Incoming E-mail Inbox. We can create Incidents from the e-mails. Unfortunately, the neither the e-mail header text nor the body text are copied into the incident. There's some configuration missing, but I can't find it.


For incidents, we use transaction type YMIN, a modified copy of SMIN.

The transaction type refers to text determination procedure YMIN0001.


I've mapped the text types for our transaction type YMIN as below (see wiki chapter 6.3). What I'm trying to achieve is this:

  • Initial text transfer from new e-mail:Defines the text type to which the e-mail text is copied

So I've mapped INIT to SU99 (Description)


The text determination procedure YMIN0001 has been defined as below


Here, I'll have to admit I don't fully understand what I'm doing. At first, YMIN0001 was a direct copy of SMIN0001, where the entries had no Transfer or Access sequence. Then, as that didn't work, I tried explicitly adding the Transfer to A and adding an access sequence, which can be seen in the first four entries.


So, when I choose an e-mail from the Incoming E-mail Inbox and create an Incident of type YMIN, I'd expect the e-mails body text to appear as Description text in the incident. That's not happening. Why?


New transaction type not available on creation


Hi experts,


I have created a new RFC transaction type ZMCT as a copy of ZMCR but cannot see it in the creation screen - the only 2 transaction types available are SMCR and ZMCR. Below settings done, but none helped


  1. Entries in DNO_CUST04 have been maintained:


2. Channels of the new transaction type also maintained




Adding custom actions to 'Actions' in the CRM web UI toolbar




  We are using SOLMAN 7.1 Incident Management, and I am trying to add a new custom action to the 'Actions' pull-down list in the CRM web UI toolbar.I have followed the steps in the 'Aplication Incident Management Configurationj and Upgrade guide', and in the note 1567003.


If you wish to include your own actions in the toolbar, ensure that they conform to the following criteria:

    1. The action must be manually executable by the user in dialog (see the action definition).
    2. The action must be displayable in the toolbox (see the action definition).
    3. The action must not call any GUI functions, such as launching transactions, displaying dialog boxes, or navigating to URLs. Such GUI functions are not compatible with the CRM UI.

If your action meets the above criteria, add an entry in table AGS_WORK_CUSTOM in the following form:


           IM_CRM_UI_PPF_<sequence no> <method filter>


           IM_CRM_UI_PPF_01             Z_CUSTOM_ACTION_FILTER_01
           IM_CRM_UI_PPF_02             Z_CUSTOM_ACTION_FILTER_02


I have defined the action in the action profile as manually executable and displayable in the toolbar. And it does not call any gui function.



As I have not found any information about what the <method filter> is, I have added an entry with the name of the action definition that I want to run, as it appears in  the action profile,  to the table AGS_WORK_CUSTOM:



But it does not appear in the 'Actions' pull-down list.



Does anybody know how do I have to configure it?


Thank you,.



Java System Http Availability




We have Technical monitoring implemented and we keep getting false alerts for the below metric:


"Java System Http Availability"



This metric places a local HTTP call from the Diagnostic Agent to the start page of the J2EE system to check if it is able to process HTTP requests.


[RC=404] URL http://<virtual hostname.pi.pvt:50000/index.html called unsuccessfully


Is there a way to change the configuration to use the below URL:

http://<virtual hostname.pi.pvt:50000 ?




MOPZ - Initial Constellation Incorrect




I am in the process of updating our Solution Manager system from SP12 to SP14. I am using MOPZ and I am facing issues. The initial constellation of our SolMan system is being shown as SP7, which of course is wrong because we are on SP12. Here's the screenshot

2015-11-13 15_15_55-Clipboard.png


I looked at the MOPZ transaction we have when we updated from SP10 to SP12 and it had the correct initial constellation

2015-11-13 15_19_46-Clipboard.png


This is issue is cause MOPZ to choose unnecessary files and producing an XML which thinks my system is moving from SP7 to SP14 .... I have looked at the SLD, LMDB, and Support Portal and they all have the correct information.


Any form of help or suggestion on what to look at will be highly appreciated.





'Installed base is inactive' error

How to change the system role in Solman7.1



I am new in Solution Manager.so i want your valuable advice on my issue.


Actually we are using Solman7.1 SP10,The issue is that DE1 system is assign as QAS and the client requirement is to change the system role and make as sandbox(Evaluation ) or unit test system.


So,My question are:

1) what is the pre step and post step activities?

2) How can i change the system role with full steps?

3)The project is already running so it is possible to change the system role and no any effect on the project?

4)Is there any changes in transport route also?




E mail notification has not been sent to user while assigning test packages


Hello Experts,



I am trying to send email notification to the tester when a test package is assigned to his id, however the notification is not been send, could any one please guide step by step process to set the notification.


Gaurav Patel

Action definition in ChaRM


Hello Expert,


Need your help here.


I have defined status in normal change. I have defined actions as well. But as per client requirement, all action should be display for each and every status. but status should be changed to next level only. If We perform other action, it should give us an error.


Lets take an example.


I suppose i am in doc/ BPS status. so i can see all actions but i can only perform either reset to indevelopment or set it to testing.


for all other actions error should be displayed.


Can you please help me on this?



Gaurav patel

System data differ to SMSY - Full System Data Replication required


Hi All,


We have solution manager 7.1 SP12.


When I perform selfdiagnosis got the below error in solman_workcenter.


System data differ to SMSY - Full System Data Replication required


Can you please let me know how to perform SMSY - Full System Data Replication in solution manager system.




ITSM: Create automatically a ticket from a E-Mail


Hello everybody,



we are using ITSM with the SAP Soltuion Manager 7.1 SPS12. Now we have configured the Email Inbound scenario.



We have a new requirement. The Solution Manager should create from an email ticket automatically a ticket. I have searched about this and found no information.



Is this function only possible with IC Webclient or is there an chance to implement this on our SolMan?



Thanks for your help





Roman Koch

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