Dear Team,
I have install SAP Solution Manager 710 on Windows 2008 with Oracle 11g,
Its successfully install , I have reboot the server ,After that I checked that .server0 give error -11113
When I check its Developer trace of server0 , Its give below error.
[Thr 5964] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)
[Thr 5964] **********************************************************************
[Thr 5964] *** ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.
[Thr 5964] *** Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'
[Thr 5964] *** for additional information and trouble shooting.
[Thr 5964] **********************************************************************
[Thr 5964] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)
When I check dev_server0 Log as given below .
trc file: "dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "720"
node name : ID9036150
pid : 2520
system name : SUL
system nr. : 00
started at : Wed Apr 13 05:48:14 2005
arguments :
arg[00] : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jlaunch.exe
arg[01] : pf=\\solman1\sapmnt\SUL\SYS\profile\SUL_DVEBMGS00_solman1
arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=SUL_00_server
arg[03] : pf=\\solman1\sapmnt\SUL\SYS\profile\SUL_DVEBMGS00_solman1
arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1
arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=49222
arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=00
arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=solman1_SUL_00
arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=\\solman1\sapmnt\SUL\SYS\profile\SUL_DVEBMGS00_solman1
arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
Used property files
-> files [00] : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] bootstrap_ID9036100 : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
-> [02] bootstrap_ID9036150 : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
Worker nodes
-> [00] ID9036100 : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] ID9036150 : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\
JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\]
-> ms host : solman1
-> ms port : 3901
-> OS libs : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs
-> Admin URL :
-> run mode : NORMAL
-> run action : NONE
-> enabled : yes
[Thr 4068] Wed Apr 13 05:48:14 2005
[Thr 4068] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc
[Thr 4068] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread
[Thr 548] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 548 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr 2508] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 2508 started as semaphore monitor thread.
[Thr 4068] JLaunchInitSignalHandling: signal handling is disabled
[Thr 4068] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=32768;cur=2048)
[Thr 4068] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
[Thr 4068] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10%
[Thr 4068] Wed Apr 13 05:48:15 2005
[Thr 4068] CCMS: Detected Double Stack (parameter "rdisp/j2ee_start" is active)
[Thr 4068] CCMS uses Shared Memory Key 73 for monitoring.
[Thr 4068] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
[Thr 4068] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack.
[Thr 4068] CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
[Thr 4068] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.
[Thr 4068] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar
JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID9036150]
-> node name : server0
-> node type : server
-> node execute : yes
-> jlaunch parameters :
-> java path : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4
-> java parameters : -XX:MaxNewSize=600M -XX:NewSize=600M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:PermSize=512M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -verbose:gc -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Djco.jarm=1 -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> java vm version : 4.1.016 1.6-b03
-> java vm vendor : SAP Java Server VM (SAP AG)
-> java vm type : server
-> java vm cpu : amd64
-> heap size : 2048M
-> init heap size : 2048M
-> stack size : 2M
-> root path : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\server0
-> class path : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> OS libs path : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs
-> main class :
-> framework class :
-> registr. class :
-> framework path : C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jstartup.jar;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class :
-> parameters :
-> debuggable : no
-> debug mode : no
-> debug port : 50021
-> shutdown timeout : 120 sec.
[Thr 4068] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]
[Thr 2952] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 2952 started as Java VM thread.
JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]
-> stack : 2097152 Bytes
-> arg[ 0]: exit
-> arg[ 1]: abort
-> arg[ 2]: vfprintf
-> arg[ 3]: -XX:MaxNewSize=600M
-> arg[ 4]: -XX:NewSize=600M
-> arg[ 5]: -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
-> arg[ 6]: -XX:PermSize=512M
-> arg[ 7]: -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-> arg[ 8]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
-> arg[ 9]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
-> arg[ 10]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=4
-> arg[ 11]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-> arg[ 12]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-> arg[ 13]: -verbose:gc
-> arg[ 14]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1
-> arg[ 15]: -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof
-> arg[ 16]: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
-> arg[ 17]: -Djco.jarm=1
-> arg[ 18]: -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> arg[ 19]:
-> arg[ 20]:
-> arg[ 21]:
-> arg[ 22]:
-> arg[ 23]:
-> arg[ 24]:
-> arg[ 25]:
-> arg[ 26]:
-> arg[ 27]:\usr\sap\SUL\SYS\global
-> arg[ 28]: -Dapplication.home=C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe
-> arg[ 29]: -Djava.class.path=C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jstartup.jar;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> arg[ 30]: -Djava.library.path=C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\jre\bin\server;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\jre\bin;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\bin;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\jre\bin\server;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\jre\bin;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\bin;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\os_libs;C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe;C:\oracle\SUL\11203\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\j2re1.4.2_15\bin;C:\usr\sap\SUL\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64
-> arg[ 31]: -Dmemory.manager=2048M
-> arg[ 32]: -Xmx2048M
-> arg[ 33]: -Xms2048M
-> arg[ 34]: -Xss2M
-> arg[ 35]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=2520
-> arg[ 38]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=C0813136872
-> arg[ 39]: -Djstartup.whoami=server
-> arg[ 40]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no
-> arg[ 41]: -Xjvmx
-> arg[ 42]: -XsapSystem=00
-> arg[ 43]: -XmonGcCallback
-> arg[ 44]: -DSAPINFO=SUL_00_server
-> arg[ 45]: -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[ 46]: -DCONNECT_PORT=49222
-> arg[ 47]: -DSAPSYSTEM=00
-> arg[ 49]: -DSAPMYNAME=solman1_SUL_00
-> arg[ 50]: -DSAPPROFILE=\\solman1\sapmnt\SUL\SYS\profile\SUL_DVEBMGS00_solman1
-> arg[ 51]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[ 52]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> arg[ 53]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1
-> arg[ 54]: -DSAPSYSTEM=00
-> arg[ 56]: -DSAPMYNAME=solman1_SUL_00
-> arg[ 57]: -DSAPDBHOST=solman1
-> arg[ 58]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=solman1
(CompilerOracle read from file C:\usr\sap\SUL\DVEBMGS00\exe\sapjvm_4\jre\.hotspot_compiler)
[Thr 2952] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.
JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]*
[Thr 4208] Wed Apr 13 05:48:22 2005
[Thr 4208] JHVM_RegisterNatives:
Wed Apr 13 05:48:26 2005
11.343: [GC 11.343: [ParNew: 409600K->2296K(512000K), 0.0159559 secs] 409600K->2296K(1994752K), 0.0161710 secs] [Times: user=0.03 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]
[Thr 4208] JHVM_RegisterNatives:
11.683: [GC 11.683: [ParNew: 411896K->3611K(512000K), 0.0083349 secs] 411896K->3611K(1994752K), 0.0085081 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
[Thr 4208] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 9036150
[Thr 4208] Wed Apr 13 05:48:27 2005
[Thr 4208] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
[Thr 4208] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
Wed Apr 13 05:49:01 2005
46.716: [GC 46.716: [ParNew: 413211K->15694K(512000K), 0.0660008 secs] 413211K->15694K(1994752K), 0.0662383 secs] [Times: user=0.09 sys=0.03, real=0.06 secs]
Wed Apr 13 05:49:45 2005
90.798: [GC 90.798: [ParNew
Wed Apr 13 05:49:46 2005
: 425294K->27280K(512000K), 0.0993224 secs] 425294K->27280K(1994752K), 0.0995367 secs] [Times: user=0.17 sys=0.03, real=0.11 secs]
[Thr 4524] Wed Apr 13 05:49:56 2005
[Thr 4524] JHVM_RegisterNatives:
[Thr 4524] JHVM_RegisterNatives:
[Thr 4524] JHVM_RegisterNatives: 16 of 18 methods in registered.
Wed Apr 13 05:49:59 2005
par new generation reserved 614400K, committed 614400K, used 79117K [0x000000007fff0000, 0x00000000a57f0000, 0x00000000a57f0000)
eden space 409600K, 12% used [0x000000007fff0000, 0x000000008328f7d0, 0x0000000098ff0000)
from space 102400K, 26% used [0x0000000098ff0000, 0x000000009aa94020, 0x000000009f3f0000)
to space 102400K, 0% used [0x000000009f3f0000, 0x000000009f3f0000, 0x00000000a57f0000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation reserved 1482752K, committed 1482752K, used 0K [0x00000000a57f0000, 0x00000000ffff0000, 0x00000000ffff0000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen reserved 524288K, committed 524288K, used 42209K [0x00000000ffff0000, 0x000000011fff0000, 0x000000011fff0000)
[Thr 3052] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)
Please suggest .