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Solman SLD Configuration Issue


Dear Experts,


I am facing the issue on Solman SLD Configuration, in this configuration level 6.2 while running local SLD setup I am facing the below issue.

which was attached the file( attach file1).

This error is because, I am using Client '000' for solution manager configuration instead of client[001] ( client [001] is having the java users for Java stack) and With reference to IMG Activity information ( In Txn - SPRO --> SAP reference IMG --> SAP Solution manager -->  Technical settings --> Clien copy --> copy client) and other online resources I understood that, If we can import the user master from the client [001] into client [000], Then this error will be resolved.


So, I am trying to Export the User master from client[001]. But, it is getting cancelled. because TR is not generating, due to the permission issue.

Details :

Solman =  <SID>adm is : soladm

ECC dev = <SID>adm is : devadm



As both the servers are in same system. Please find the attached file2 screen which shows that all the files are having ownership of 'devadm'. So TR is not generating with respect to 'soladm'


Can we change the ownership of this folder? if we change what will be the issue for ECC-Dev server?

Please guide me..

Uneditable Category1 in ZMIN


Hi All,

Recently we activated using Code Subject for Response Times selection. And now by saving ZMIN document the Category1 get uneditable. Is it standard behavior?



Best wishes,


Charm - Transport Strategy (Quality Gate)


Hi experts,


we want to realize the following.

We want to setup different maintenance plans.


One of them should be a very short one.

This is our target.

We have one maintenance plan for "Customizing" like storage locations, shipping places, ...

So customizing, which is more master data instead of really configurations...


This should be transported into productive system automatically once a week.

So far so good, however, I can only do transports into the productive system if I change the maintenance plan to "Deploy"-phase.

This means, I have to craete every week a new maintenance-cycle and switching all the phases....so really a lot of work for might be just a "bit work".


This is how we want to realize this.

So we want to have one day a week, where this changes get active - therefore we don't want to use an "Urgent change", as this will be active immediatly.


In quality gate configuration I alredy tried to change the system role Productive System to phase "Build".

So according to description this means, already in phase "Build" it should be possible to transport into live-system.


However, in transaction SCAM it isn't possible to do this, as I get the error that in this phase this isn#t allowed.


Kind regards

Install SOLMAN 7.1 on Windows 2012 R2 failed at ABAP import level



I am installing SOLMAN 7.1 at my Windows 2012 R2 server, and at the Import ABAP phase, and precisely at this level : Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 26, failed 1, total 29.

I got this ERROR:



An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.5 > MaxDB > SAP Systems > Application Server ABAP > Standard System > Standard System( Last error reported by the step: Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s) import_monitor.java.log, import_monitor.log.). You can now:

  • Choose Retry
    to repeat the current step.
  • Choose Log Files
    to get more information about the error.
  • Stop the option and continue later.

Log files are written to C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW750/ADA/INSTALL/STD/ABAP.


Yu can find more details in the thread i have opened by error at other community: full link: http://scn.sap.com/message/16533177#16533177


So, need your expertise in sorting out this issue.

Here a summary of what I am using as software:

- Download manager V2.1.142 to download the media from Market Place

- SLTOOLSET Software Provisioning Version 1.0


Unfortunatey, the log files are heavy and cannot attach them here, as 1MB is max.

If you require more details


Do not want to flood this post with entries from the logs...Please let me know your feedback how can I go forward ?

Are the tooling versions Ok ?

What the error says ...shall I start from scratch ? (I tried many time, by downloading again the suspect SW and unpack, but without success)


Thanks in advance.


proxy details for RCD implmentation


Hi Gurus,


I am in the process of implementing RCD for our solution manager . Our solman is of version 7.1 SP 12 .

While implementing the RCD, we have to maintain the global proxy settings in sicf transaction . We are not sure about the proxy settings maintained in our landscape .

Could anyone advise on, is there any way to obtain the proxy settings from SAP system itself or is there any other method to find it out .








I am installing solution manager 7.1 on Windows server 2008 R2 and facing an error in "install java engine" phase and its throwing the error like " ERROR: Cannot extract E:\usr\sap\SOL\DVEBMGS00\SDM_tmp\pack\packedOrigin_com.adobe.jar to E:\usr\sap\SOL\DVEBMGS00\SDM\root\origin\com.adobe: ".Please find the attached screenshot for reference.

Diagnostic agent


Dear Team,


I have certain query .We installed DA in physical host and services are running in the host and still the DA status in Infrastructure shows unknown only. Further virtual host DA is mandatory and please explain the virtual host and DA relationship and how they impact in Technical Monitoring,


I am new to this and correct me if I am wrong





How to add transactions and objects in Business Blueprint


Hi all


In Transaction tab of Business Blueprint,I have to add some transactions list according our requirement, I have added one logical component in system landscape to add transactions and I tried to add transactions by selecting type as a Transaction,Logical Component which I have created and for column Object I clicked on f4, so that it displayed some list of objects as shown in below image.



I selected one of those,in under the column Object I got some object code which I have selected and it also entered Name column by default.According to our requirement we have some list of transactions to add.

Anyone please guide me, how to mention them in object list get the code and  name ?


Monitoring a windows service with SolMan 7.1


Hi Experts,


Can anyone help me how to configure template in solution manager 7.1 for a windows service? Basically if the service is stopped i need to receive an alert. I was checking the standard templates and they do not seem to apply.




NON-SAP System (Seeburger) registered into SOLMAN SLD




I want to registered NON-SAP(Seeburger) to SLD into SOLMAN system without XI/PI.

Is there any simple way to register?





Solution Manager BP Operations Dashboard graphical display not working


Hi Experts,


We have implemented Solution Manager 7.0, and designed BPO dashboards for some key figures.


At the time of implementation and for long time they are promising and working fine. Suddenly it was stopped working.

I think it is because of some data issue. I was not able to troubleshoot to find the which data might causing this issue.


Can you please provide me some steps where I can enable the graphic display?


Suraj Pabbathi

Downgrade protection: predecessor conflict between transport request and transport of copies for PRD system


Hello, dear colleagues.


I need your help with downgrade protection issue.


The problem is that I have some conflicts between transport request and transport of copies for PRD system.


I’m on SM 7.1 SP10, all possible SAP notes for DGP are implemented.


Here is my test scenario:


  1. Create two normal changes (NC1 and NC2)

  2. Create a transport request in every NC (TR1 for NC1 and TR2 for NC2)

  3. Change some object in managed DEV system. Save change to TR1.

  4. Change the same object in managed DEV system. Save change to TR2.

  5. Create transports of copies (ToC). First ToC1 for TR1, second ToC2 for TR2. Now ToC1 and ToC2 are in import queue of QUA system.

  6. Import ToC2 in QUA system (we are using selective import, no IMPORT_ALL). I get pop-up with predecessor conflict because I’m going to import ToC2 before ToC1. Ignore that conflict and go on. Now ToC2 is successfully imported in QUA system.

  7. Import ToC1 in QUA system. I get pop-up with imminent conflict because ToC2 is already imported to QUA system and I’m going to perform a downgrade. Ignore that conflict and go on. Now ToC1 is successfully imported in QUA system.

  8. Release TR1. It will be located in QUA import queue.

  9. And now here is the step where my problem occurs: I perform manual DGP check in NC1 (where my TR1 is). And I get several conflicts:


  • predecessor conflict between TR1 and ToC2 for QUA system (and no problem is here);

  • predecessor conflict between TR1 and ToC2 for PRD system (and here is the problem!).




As I know, DGP is using tables SCTS_TRACK_* tables (mainly SCTS_TRACK_UPQUE and SCTS_TRACK_MAIN). And I found out that when every ToC is created – an entry in SCTS_TRACK_UPQUE is created for this ToC and each system in system landscape (except DEV): QUA and PRD. So I suppose that my problem is caused by the entry for ToC and PRD system. ToC and PRD system has nothing to do together.




Has anybody faced such a problem? Is it a program bug or some incorrect TMS customizing (for example, routes)?




phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG were negative!


Hello guys,


Actully I running an upgrade from SAP SOLMAN 7.1 SP12 to SP14, using SUM to do it, but in the step 5.6 Execution, this error comes out:


Error SUM 01.jpg


When I check come logs, i found some errors but not a cause of this error:


I try execute manually the tp like this:


/usr/sap/SC2/DVEBMGS04/exe/tp pf=/data/SUM/SUM/abap/var/XPRASUPG.TPP put SC2


This is /usr/sap/SC2/DVEBMGS04/exe/tp version 380.38.89 (release 721, unicode en                                                                                        abled)

Looking for effective putsteps ... ... ready (looking for putsteps)

ERROR: stopping on error 12 during EXECUTION OF REPORTS AFTER PUT

stopping on error 12 during EXECUTION OF REPORTS AFTER PUT



tp returncode summary:


TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 12

WARNS: Highest tp internal warning was: 0118

tp finished with return code: 12


  A tool used by tp aborted


i already check the owner and permissions on all the folder SUM to sc2adm. but the issue still perssist.



Any solution or something that i can check to fix it.


Regards, and thank you in advise.

Create email to person creating SHMF (urgent change)


HI SAP Community,


I have a challenge that i have been chasing around for day's now.


I have email triggers that work this isn't a SCOT/workflow charm issue specific to my goal is


to create/trigger an email to the individual entering an ZHMF urgent change ticket in ChaRM.


I did get this to work by putting a specific email in my Condition Details and entering an email address but I need to have it sent to whomever has initiated the ticket not to a specific entry. My assumption is I need to find the right partner function to utilize.


I have tried various partner functions but have had no success;





From the determination log I see "No Partner exists with role SLFN0004" etc...

SLNF0004 3-3-2016 3-47-59 PM.png



Back Rfc status showins as no rfc user


We have successfully configured system preparation and basic configuration  solution manager 7.1 SP09.

But we are facing issue while configuring  maintaining rfc connection to the satellite system. The solution manager could not connect to the satellite system even though the rfc's are all in green and connection test shows fine. And the Back rfc status is showing as in the below snap



Configuration of MOPZ ?


Hi all,


I tried to configure the mopz in my solman system for applying the support pack . During the mopz configuration i getting error. The error,when i try to move the data to sld, only abap system only move there is no java is found in sld for solman and also i checked in the sldcheck transaction getting error message like " Testing the RFC connection to the SLD java client " RFc ping failed for java client. Also i checked in lmdb only the ABAP system only i found.


I tried to analysis the report lmdb_sync_technical_system is working fine for abap system only. Not there in java system in that selecting option. Also i tried to generate the stack xml file in PAM for solman 7.1 successfull but i tried to update through SUM getting error like "Netweaver componanet is not found".


Anyone suggestion for applying support pack in solman7.1 sp14 system (dual stack).


Best Regards

Rajeshkumar V



Hello Gurus,


we had a login error from client 000 which is calling function RFCPING with user "932AB6111D90".

But this user does not exist. The calling system is the solution manager self.

I don't find the reason for that.


has someone a suggestion?


dump file




Automatic problem creates when confirm the incident


Hi Expert,


We are using Solution Manager 7.1 SP10.


I need one help.


When I tried to closed the incident,It created problem automatically.

on the other hand. When the incident is in the proposed solution and after 2 days it "Confirmed" but the "Related Problem" not created in this case.


Please suggest me why it is created and where we can find the root cause.





mass delete task in Task Management


I have search in SMP but I found nothing how can I mass delete overdueTasks?


for the Incident Management exist a report how can you easy delete old Incident  and forgotten  incident.


But I nothing found for the Task Management.


Or what table stored the Entries?


For this Information i was very appreciative.



Best Regards

Danjel Rojka

Assigned Testcases not displayed in stwb_work


Hello together,


I'm facing a problem within the Testmanagement.


I have already created a Testplan, several Testpackages, assigned the users and released the Testplan.

The Integration Test was done successfully within the last weeks and now there are some Testcases that require a re-test.


Thus, I've changed the status of the relevant Testcases accordingly and got 56 open Testcases with assigned testers in a released Testplan.




Nevertheless, the Worklists (stwb_work) of all relevant testers remain empty.




I've double-checked in TA solman_workcenter and there I can see the assigned Testcases in the Tester Worklist:



What am I doing wrong that no Testcases are displayed in stwb_work?


Your help and input would be highly appreciated!


Thanks in advance and best regards,


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