Channel: SCN : Unanswered Discussions - SAP Solution Manager
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Solution Manager 7.2 Support Hub Connectivity Errors




I am trying to configure System Preperation for Solution Manager 7.2 SP01 and getting below error on Support Hub Connectivity.


I created a TECH-USER and activated it. When I run "Configure Consumer Proxies and Log. Port" step system gives below error.


Web service ping failed for logical port LP_SISE_SUPPORTHUB, proxy CO_SISEHUB_MI_O_AS_PUT_EXTERNA

Web service ping failed for logical port LP_SISE_SUPPORTHUB, proxy CO_SISEHUB_MI_O_S_SHB_LIST

Web service ping failed for logical port LP_SISE_SUPPORTHUB, proxy CO_SISEHUB_MI_O_S_SHB_GET_EX


What could be the reason of the error.


Can you help about the issue, please?


Thanks and Regards,


ITSM : IRT and MPT usage - defined in minutes instead of percentage


Hi Experts,


Our requirement is to run a report every day, containing the message and SLA statuses. Within this we would like to get the actual time spent in the IRT and MPT instead of the usual percentages displayed in the standard. Could you please help us to meet this requirement? Is it possible to get the actual time spent data (in minutes or hours) than the displayed percentage values?




multiple PRD systems with one development in CHARM


Hi Team,


Here is a scenario:


  1. One DEV system => DEV(1)
  2. Two Q&A systems => Q&A(1 ), Q&A(2)
  3. Two Pre-PROD systems => P-PRD(1) , P-PRD(2)
  4. Two PROD systems => PRD(1), PRD(2)
  5. One ChaRM Project


2 landscapes (assigned to the one ChaRM Project) will look like that:

  1. DEV(1) -> Q&A(1) ->  P-PRD(1) -> PRD(1)
  2. DEV(1) -> Q&A(2) ->  P-PRD(2) -> PRD(2)


now my client want to implement the above landscape and the developments will be performed for PRD1 and PRD2 in same client of DEV1.


and they want to import the transport parallel till P-PRD1&PPRD2  but they want to import the PRD1 first and later some duration they want to import the PRD2 transport.


could you please suggest where and how can we kept on hold this transport which belongs to PRD2 and release after the PRD1.


Thanks and regards






I am on basic configuration on solman at step 3 while configuring introscope i am getting below error.I checked,EM is running at windows level.could some one help me.


Solman - Dialog Process filled by SM_EXTERN_WS / SAPLSYDB




we are facing the problem, did already see it more time, that nearly all dialog processes are full by user SM_EXTERN_WS and report SAPLSYDB.

I've found one note regarding kernel-patch, which I will apply.

But does anybody know, what is executing this processes. Is it a job or something else?
Becuase I think it is something from BI/BW.


Can I limit the proceses for this?



Kind regards

Cant able to access the SLD in solman!!!!!


Dear Experts,



When i tried to access the SLD in solman by entering (http://<host>:<port>/sld),   it shows the




"SAP Netweaver AS Java is starting....

if this state does not change within a few minutes, please contact your administrator...

Message: Dispatcher running but no server connected!"


Kindly pls find the attached files of this and MMC screenshot.




Is there any way to open the SLD...

Selective Import Strategy brings up an empty screen


Hello ChaRM/Solman Experts,


We are in the process of implementing a Selective Import Strategy for the ChaRM Environment. Following the steps from the SAP Blog on how to configure, we were able to see a pop-up window for the QA environment with Transports listed but for the Prod environment we see an empty pop-up window.


Here is a link to the 'How to' Blog.




And here is the config steps


1. Go to the spro entry





2. Enter 2 new lines of config, one for QA and another for the prod environment:




3. Schedule an import job via task list for QA and hit schedule to get the selective import pop up window:


QA - Import List.jpg


4. Schedule an import job via task list for Prod and hit schedule to get the selective import pop up window:


Prod Empty List.jpg

As you see in Step 3, there is a selective import window for QA environment but no selective import window for Prod. They are all setup the same way.


Troubleshooting steps:


1. Confirmed system role assignment for Production Environment.

2. Confirmed RFC and no auth errors.

3. Confirmed the configuration steps as outlined in the blog above.

4. Confirmed that there are transports in the import queue.



The fact that we see an Selective import window pop up means the config is working, but unsure why the list is not populated as it is in QA.


Help will be really appreciated.

Wrong status in EWA report for java system




We are using Solution Manager 7.1 SP12, and have configured EWA for all the SAP systems like development, quality and production in 3 different solutions. The Status in the EWA report for Java development system is showing as productive instead of non-production, where as for the ABAP system it is correct.


Could you please help me to correct the status of the EWA report for the Java development system.




Adding a 3rd categorization block




We have setup ITSM for our client and are currently using two categorization blocks.


I read in a blog that as per default 2 categorization blocks are available but more can be added via the SAP BSP WD workbench.


Could someone tell me how can we add a 3rd categorization block using the WD workbench?


Thanks and Best regards


BODS integration with solman


Hello All,


When we are trying to integrate Solution manager 7.1 SP13 with BODS and BOJI , unable to view solman tables in BODS


Same process we have integrated ECC with BODS , we can view ECC Related tables in BODS


As Solution manager is mixup with CRM /BI and ABAP+JAVA , can we integrate with BODS and use CRM Tables to view in BODS designer Tool



deactivate/change Service availability management (SAM) for a system




I have configured SAM for systems in Solman 7.1 EHP13, but unfortunately the service times was set up incorrectly on tab 6 in solman_setup -> Service availability management. Now I am unable to change them as the service is active. Also have tried to delete at all and start from scratch but again not able because service is active. Does anybody manage to change already assigned and active service times or deactivate service somehow?


Thanks in advance,


TOC imported successfuly , Request for preliminary import not applicable.


Hi Team,


We are normal change document where TOC got generated and imported to quality for testing. After testing once the status is change from successfully tested to request for preliminary import I am getting error "Request already imported  Request for preliminary import not applicable." OriginalTransport request is already released after the status change " TO BE TESTED"  and not transported to QA.


Kindly help to resolve the error




TR can not be used


Hello Experts,


Transport request are getting created thorough charm in managed system but when try to save objects in it then getting error as 'You cannot use request XXXK940616'. After inspection in TR properties i found that Source client and Target system/client are correct and performing changes in same client in which TR has created.


Anyone faced this issue before ? Is this issue with TMS ? If Yes, how can I correct it.


Thanks in advance.




CSOL and defect corrections




FYI we are using Solman 7.1 SP14.


We have set up CSOL, but we are running into some limitations of the functionality. We need to have an error message for all changes (both UC and NC) within the same project. This is working fine. Settings for all errors, no warnings:



But for Defect corrections (SMTM) we would like this to be a warning only. Defect corrections will generate too many errors as they usually all contain objects from within the same project cycle. When I try to make this warnings only, I also make UC's give warnings only...


SAP documentation suggests this is not possible:



Does anyone know how to configure this?





Solman email trigger for SLA Breach


Hi Team,


I have followed the step by step documentation for the configuration of the email based on the IRT and MPT timings.

I have done all the steps mentioned in the document.

SLA Management - SAP IT Service Management on SAP Solution Manager - SCN Wiki


Kindly let me know whether I missed any of the important config steps.I am not able to see any mails getting triggered in SOST.

Action Def.PNG

Action prof.PNG

I am filling the message processor while filing the tickets.



Message Procor.PNG

Action logs

Action logs.PNG

Background Jobs are getting completed.





Can I Install ESR FOR SAP NETWEAVER CE On Sap Solution manager ?


Dear Experts,


My Question is Simple as Above :


Can We Install (Enterprise Service repository) ESR For SAP Netweaver CE On our Solution Manager ?


Our Solution Manager Is 7,1 with the latest Stack.





Ahmad Salam.

Worflow-User sends empty e-mails as receipt


Hello together,

the systemuser WF-Batch of our system sends empty e-mails as receipt if a new e-mail arrives in our solution manager.

Is there somewhere a checkbox that regulates the automatic reply performed by this user?


Can anyone help?





Unknown user error on forward to SAP via ITSM


Hello Gurus!


I'm having the following problem.

We have a new customer, everything is set up like for the other customers that doesn't have this problem.


When we try to forward an incident over the SolMan, SAP Collaboration tab we get the error, Unknown user

2016-02-02 17_52_19-Incident Systemhaus_ 1600001009, FEV Test No.3 - [SAP] - Internet Explorer.jpg

It doesn't matter which user we use, it's always the same message.


General prerequisites:

- Working RFC destination to SAP (normally SAP-OSS) -> OK

- Your user is mapped to a valid S-User in transaction AISUSER -> the used S-User is a Super Admin on the customer SMP

- The transaction needs the following text types for the initial sending to SAP: Description, Information for SAP -> OK

- Valid SAP system in SAP Attributes to which the transaction is related -> Systems are visible in the customer SMP therefore they should be valid

- A valid SAP component is assigned to the incident -> OK


The SolMan is 7.1 with SPS14 and we are VAR Partner of the mentioned customer. The installed components are in the attached txt file.


I already checked all the users involved in this process, everything looks fine and there are no runtime errors in the system.


Had anyone seen something like this ?





Copy of Project Team Members when copying projects


Good day:


We have our project in SolMan, single source of truth (SST), and we create new projects where we enter the specific business scenarios from SST that we are to modify.  Eventually, with compare and adjust, we keep up-to-date our single source of truth.


Every time we create/copy a project, the Project Team Members Tab only shows the user who actually created the project.  When one of the members is about to modify a given business process to work on, any change is denied until somebody goes and populates the Project Team Members Tab with the member's user account. 


Is there a way to automatically define that when creating/copying projects that the Project Team Members are copied over?





SAP Solution Manager SP11 - LM-Service to be upgraded


Hi Experts,


Currently I am using SAP Solution Manager 7.1 on SP level SP11.

Technical Monitoring functionality has been implemented, But Host details and configuration metrics are completely greyed out.

By going through few KBA's and discussion from SCN i found that i may need to upgrade my LM-Service.


Can anyone please let me know the other patches i may have to download along with the LM-Service patch which i have downloaded(LM Service patch for SP11 with patch level 5 has been downloaded).

But during upgrading the same using SUM i get error: "Error: The directory contains invalid archives". The Manual directory approach was followed for upgrade.(Directory contains only one SCA patch file for LM-Service patch upgrade).


PFB screenshot for Components Info.


Component Info.PNG


Can anyone please let me know with the steps i have to follow for LM-service upgrade using SUM and manual directory option.

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