Hi, In managed system configuration of a system getting error "The definition of Technical System is not correct: Operating System of host must have at least one Software Component Version" in the Step 9. Check Configuration. Checked below points and sharing the results: LMDB verification status is green and Host agent level is 206. Agent is running. Can you please suggest to rectify the error? Thanks, Harsh
Issue in check configuration step in managed system configuration
Check metrics in technical monitoring (f.e. with button "check now")
Hello experts,
We are starting to use technical monitoring in SAP Solution Manager 7.10 SP12.
Some metrics are checked every 5min. and some every hour. But is there a way to push a direct check. Like with a button "check now" in the alerting inbox of the technical monitoring work center?
What are Solution Manager 7.1 Migration post requisite activities?
I have completed Solution Manager 7.1 migration from Suse Linux to RHEL with changed SID.
I have completed ABAP stack post requisite activities and would like to know about Java stack post requisite activities.
Please assist.
SID and hostname are changed.
[CBTA] Exposing UFT Parameters in CBTA Composite tests gives error
For a while now, I am trying to combine UFT tests for Non-sap SUT's and CBTA tests for SAP in one composite test.
I am having no troubles at all calling the UFT Tests from a CBTA composite test, however passing parameters is a pain...
According to the SAP Documentation it should be as easy as exposing the parameters
(See SAP Support Portal , Page 91 onwards)
The moment I change the usage for a parameter of the UFT test to 'Exposed' and try to save the CBTA composite test I receive an error:
Error: The Node 0 of Object CIF2_1 Does Not Exist
This error appears as well when setting the usage parameter to 'Fixed' or 'Local'
The CIF2_1 is the eCatt Command interface.
I looked at it from SECATT as well, but I do not see any obvious clues as to what is wrong.
No notes on SAP to be found either, indiating a program error.
Somebody ?
SPS14 Upgrade: Support pack level requirement
We are planning to upgrade our Solution Manager 7.1 SPS12 to SPS14.
I have been trying to find out if there are any requirements on the Support Pack Levels of the connected satellite systems? Can you be so kind and provide me with any information that you have on this subject?
Is it possible to use the business scenarios/ business processes/process steps from one project as a basis for another project?
Hi everyone-
I am looking into if the following is possible in SAP Solution Manager 7.1:
If I create a project (Project A) by setting up the Business Scenario, Business Processes and Process Steps, is it possible to save this information somewhere so that I can use the same information for Project B? (where in Project B the majority of the information would be the same as Project A but some documents may change or be updated). And following that, use the information from Project B for a third project (Project C)?
Is there away to duplicate information for multiple projects and save that information to a central area?
Charm Reporting Performance
Hi Experts,
We are facing very slow response time whenever we try run reporting using t-code /TMWFLOW/REPORTINGN. I marked settings Reporting Active in report /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES but does not help either.
I followed the blog Change Request Management: Reporting
We are on Solman 7.1
Could anyone advise if there is any other options to increase better performance of reporting in ChaRM ?
I am thinking of moving away from GUI reporting to WebDynpro reporting of Solman? any thoughts ?
Early Watch alerts Create system not found
Hello All,
I have activated EWA in my solution manager system as stated in the below link.
EWA 7.1 Display and Schedule - Solution Manager - SCN Wiki
I have done the require setting in SMSY , when i read data from remote source i am able to get data from my ECC system and is displayed in SMSY screen.
I have also created one logical system and assigned to my new solution created in T-Code "solution_manager"
From Tcode " Solution_manager" i selected my solution.
Here when i am trying to create early watch alert from node "operation --> solution Monitoring --> EarlyWatch Alerrt" . I don't see my system configured here. Please see my screen below. Under service i don't see my ECC system .
The same screen when i open in browser i don't see system , is there any place where i have to configure Service system.
How do i activate EWA alerts for new solution in solution_manager t-code
From SDCCN i also see that SAP EWA job is active .
But using that same Solution i have downloaded stack file from SAP to upgrade my ECC , which means connections from ECC to SAP Router is working fine.
I am struck up here from more than 3 days , please let me know is there any thing i am missing.
Thanks in advance,
Configure CA Willy Introscope
Hi all
I am no performing New installed Solution Manager Basic configurations and have some problems in Wily introscope installation guide(vers 9.5).
Automated Installation of the Introscope Agent via SMD
4.Launch the Introscope Setup application: SAP Solution Manager Configuration -> Managed Systems Configuration -> Step 7 Configure Automatically-> Automatic Activity “Byte Code Adapter Installation” -> “Open Java URL” (only available in edit mode). Your screen will look similar to the image below:
In my screen there is no introscope agent. The screen is attached.
What can I do? Any information will be helpful.
Best regards
Third-party Tool Integration With Solution manager Service desk 7.1 SP10
Hello All,
Third-partyTool Integration With Solman Service desk
We have an solman Service desk configured and end users can Raise an Ticket from help -> Create Support Message and This Ticket will Register in Solman Box
If First Level of Support unable to slove this issue ticket sent to external Support
1.Connectivity From SOlman To external Support is Completed
Activating ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API in 7.1 As per the below link
2.How Do we do Field level Mapping from solman to External Service desk ?
3.We are looking for Two way integration , Can this possible ?
How External Service desk will update to Solman ?
Rahul Yedapally
Solution manager
Solution manager:
1.How to create generic datasource for this cube.
2.Help me out in creating fields(Steps used to create datasource)
How to prevent creation of TRs outside of CHARM
We had closed the project switch from the project,but user are still able to create the transport from the development system.
what is the role for "show project status switch "?
Ibase trigger authorization in Solman ITSM
I have questions regarding ITSM in Solman.
We are using ITSM scenario standard one and service provider.
When we create a message, system should trigger the ibase to incident.
Do they have other authorizations to trigger the ibase to incident both standard scenario and serviceprovider?
Please reply me.
Thanks in advance.
FM to retreive CRM scrren patner determination headers
Hi everyone ,
1.) I have a serious doubt on how to retrieve the data frm "assigned to" , "logged by" , and "tester" which are the header files on the ticket creeation screen. I have used the FM CRM_ORDER_READ. I could retieve rest of the screen details. Is there any FM to retrieve the values of other partner determination header files ?
2.) is that possible to add one more partner determination header file like one more "logged by". There are options to add only 4 headers.
Thanks in advance
How to get the Impacted scripts from the BPH hierarchy
Loading from Business Warehouse takes too long in RCA
if i choose the OVERVIEW of a system in RCA Workload Analysis it takes over 2 Minutes to load from BW and to see the graph.
What could be the cause ?
The Database is not really big and all housekeeping-things are running well.
Only 3 systems are connected.
Functionalities like System-Monitoring are running very quick...
If i choose a part of the Workload Analysis (i.e. ABAP) it runs quick too...
Only the overview takes long and the graph is empty after loading.
SM 7.1 SP13 with MaxDB 7.9 on Windows 2008 - 16GB Ram
Default transaction type as per the client logged on the system
Hello SAP Solution Manager expert,
I have two different types of client registered to my SAP Solution Manager System.
Client 1 uses ZMIN transaction type
Client 2 uses ZMIV transaction type (VAR Client)
My requirement is that when the client 2, a VAR Delivered Support Client, tries to create a message, ONLY the ZMIV transaction type is presented on the new message creation pop up to the user.
On the other hand, when the client 1, a normal super user tries to create a message, he is offered the choice of transaction types as follows.
Can you guide me of the steps to follow to achieve this requirement?
Thank you in advance for your usual help.
Kind Regards,
Auto Reactions in Tech Monitoring 7.1
Hi all,
I am using SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP13 and trying to configure Alert Auto Reactions. What I am actually trying to do is to run an OS command or script in the Remote System (monitored system) in reaction to an alert.
I managed to execute an Os commands in Solution Manager using the "Forward to Third-Party" feature. (Operating System Command Adapter - SAP Solution Manager - SAP Library). I want to do the same but in the Remote Monitored System.
I have also managed to execute the command in the Remote system as a Metric using Remote Operating System Script Collector (ROSSC) but this is not a reaction to an Alert.
It looks like this should be done under Expert Option "Auto Reactions" but there I cannot find any Alert Reaction and I haven't found any documentation about that.
The thread (Auto Reaction System Monitoring Solman 7.1 SPS08) is pretty similar to my case but the solution was the Third-Party.
As workaround I can run an script in solman callin via RSH the remote system but it creates some complex in maintenance and configuration.
Thanks in advance.
Variant SAP1 missing Import job
Hello Everybody,
We have dual-track landscape. We are planning to use urgent change (ZMCR/ZMHF) in production track and possibly quality gate management (QGM) for project track. We will also activate retrofit and CSOL. We want to use variant SAP1 because it doesn't leave transport in production buffer and also removes lock entries once transport will hit production.
Only problem is SAP1 doesn't have job /TMWFLOW/SCMA_TRORDER_IMPORT in task list. And since we are also planning to use selective import strategy, how can we import transports into production using task list?
Can we just add this job in the variant? if so, Is it OK to copy SAP1 into ZSAP1? Please advise.
Just to clarify further, we will be importing transports into production on bi-weekly basis. I am thinking once above job is available in the task list of the maintenance cycle, Basis will execute it from task list in dialog mode which will popup with selective import list, Am I doing it correctly?
Use ZMCR/ZMHF or QGM for Project Rollouts?
Hi Everyone,
We are doing global implementation and are planning to go live with ChaRM soon. We have dual track landscapes, for production support we have decided to use ZMCR/ZMHF but we are still not sure if we should go with QGM or ZMCR/ZMHF for project track.
QGM is simpler but lacks approval/workflow ability that ZMCR has. On the other hand ZMCR/ZMHF offers all the features we are looking for but does it really make sense to use urgent change in project landscape? I am asking because in project we want to move transports in bulk at various phases of projects. How is this controlled using maintenance project and urgent change?
I am aware there is also normal change, but we would like keep the same process for production and project, and also normal change involves TOC which we do not like to use.
So my question is does it makes sense to use only ZMCR/ZMHF in project track? If so how to control movement of transports?