I want to send an E-Mail to the SAP SolMan (support e-mail address) so that it shows up in the inbox of the crm ui. I executed the steps in the following guide:
After sending the e-mail TC: SWI1 is showing the following. So far, so good.
The problem is that I have to manually execute the task TS00207914, because its status is "READY". As far as I know this is happening because the task is a dialog step and I want it to run automatically in the background.
When opening TS00207914 in TC: PFTC you can see that method DONOTHING and objecttype ERMSSUPRT2 is used (as mentioned in the guide). But the method has the dialogbox checked and you cannot uncheck it.
I already tried using objecttype ERMSSUPRT, because there the dialog checkbox of method DONOTHING is not checked, but then I didnt recieved any e-mails in the CRM UI at all.
What am I missing here?