I am trying to activate sending mail from Normal change request - copy of SMMJ_ACTION, but mail isn't getting triggered from the Normal change request.
Secondly I would like all users to be able to see import option for Preliminary import and if they execute it, they should get an error.
Not assigning the authorisation code in the role users are unable to even get the view option .
User status defined are
Only developers can request preliminary import.. As developer
Once request preliminary import action is clicked and status moved to 'Preliminary Import requested', developer can only see the option
below. However I would like them to see also the option to Perform Preliminary import into UAT ' so that when they click on it they should give an authorisation error.
We have had to completely take the authorisation ZMMJ_05 , which is the action approve preliminary import (also performing an import) ,
and there is no view option, as giving this actually performs an import
However the basis team can see the two screens as they have authorisation ZZMJ_O5 to import.
Ideally we want developers to be able to see both, but if they click on Perform Import to they should get authorisation issue. - not authorised.
It should work like the next option below, developers can see next option 'Authorise for Production Import', even though authorisation code isn't assigned, so if they go to action it, they will get an error message.
They get error message below which is good. this is how ZZMJ_05 should be working.
My biggest challenge though is when we click on action 'Request Preliminary Import into Pre-production' no email is generated.
I have checked the action profiles and partner determination definition and all seems ok, but action isn't generating any emails.
SCOT is configured correctly and there are no emails either in SOST waiting to go out. SWUD is also configured correctly and solution manager is sending other mails.
Can't seem to pin down the issue with automatic generation of mails when an action is supposed to send mail and the send mail actions have been configured as below
E.g. of configuration for developer for example, the change manager and all also have this configuration done..