Dear Expert,
Am new in SAP and last week I installed SAP Solman 7.1 SR1 SP04 delivered by SAP (DVD's) while upgrading the stack using SUM tool 10 patch 12.
to SPS 11 got stuck.
SUM tool is asking the path of SAPcontrol which is located in the executable folder \\sensol\sapmnt\sml\sys\exe\uc\NTAMD64 which is set already in the environment settings. (PFA screenshot SAPcontrol)
I've notice that even the SAPMMC is loaded the environment setting is not because am getting error in event viewer -> application say's that
Cannot open Profile \\SENSOL\sapmnt\SML\SYS\profile\START_DVEBMGS00_SENSOL. (Error 53 ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: The network path was not found.) [ntservstart.cpp 1055].
Please help
thanks in advance