Hi, all
Has anyone used Wily to monitor your PI system? Our system is PI 7.3.1(AEX java only, aka PO). I have deployed the Wily agent, SMD, hostagent to the server. When I logon to the Wily EM, I cannot make any sense out of the "SAP XI" folder. For example, the Adapter folder has a channel folder underneath. It doesn't even list all the CC we have in the system. The statistics and messaging folder also have lots of stats that I don't understand what they actually mean. Of course, I cannot see how we can make use of it.
Can you advise if you can point me to good documentation on the Wily in terms of PI monitoring? I know that there is PIMON in solman 7.1. I am also working on it ... also struggling with it as we had lots of other issues that probably belong to another thread.