I am using BW reports to evaluate defects/messages.
I am using the SAP standard info provider: "MultiProvider for Test and Incident Management" (0TWBSPRM)
When I chose to pull through messages, and their message numbers (0TWBMGNO) instead of seeing a normal, transaction number, I get through 24 characters of the CRM order GUID.. not all 32, just 24 characters of it. What I want is the field 0SPRMGNO from infoprovider 0SPRMDAT2.. but How can I get this and link to to the correct project?
I need to get all 32 characters of hte GUID through, OR the actual message transaction number - something which I can use in the backend CRM system to work out more info about the message.
Is this a bug in SAP standard info-provider?
Is there an advisable way of fixing this?
How best can I get the Message number though this info provider? (other info providers like: "Incident Management reporting - Messages" provide the real message number, but no link to the project the message was raised against, and also this does not bring back the messages I raised at all.. so I need the number in the info provider I mentioned above, so as to not lose that link from project/plan to messages)
Thank you for any advice