I have created a Template Project in the Test Management section of the SOLMAN_WORKCENTER.
In the template project I have created a template Test Plan - on which I have enabled workflow.
In the Template Test Plan I have created a Test Package.
In the Package I have assigned some sequences and saved.
Issue 1:
Then I closed the sequence assignment window. When I re-opened it I found my sequences had disappeared... I tried selecting "Display Sequences", but nothing comes up.
If I then highlight a few rows and create a new sequence, all the others then suddenly re-appear...
Issue 2:
If I assign users to the packages and save, emails are triggered to those users telling them to start testing... but this is just a template, surely no emails should be sent?
Issue 3:
If I then create a new project and plan off the back of these templates, and tick all the options (pull through sequences, packages and assignments) but none of the sequences show up, and no emails are triggered.
Is this a known bug? Am I doing something wrong?
As it stands the whole point of creating a template plan seems redundant as it doesn't copy through the complicated bits.. or trigger the emails to the users to tell them to start testing on the new plan.