we are using QGM Functionality in Solution Manager7.1 with SP08 for ECC Implementation project.
last week we migrated your Solution manager system to a different Hardware, where there is a change in IP address, Host name and SID was changed.
and we alos patched the system from SP08 to Sp10.
After the patching, i performed all the system preparation and basic configuration and managed system configuration was finished.
Configured STMS on Solution Manager and Linked the Both the Domain controllers(ECC and SOLMAN).Every thing was find up to now.
when i tried to do do consistency check on Project, through TX; SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN, i am getting the following error.
No changes were made on ECC -STMS.
i just recreated the STMS for SOLMAN after the migration.
Error message as follows:
No Exporting System for system ECP-100 in project ZECC_QGM
where ECP is my production system and ZECC_QGM is the project.
I didn't changed anything in terms of Logical components, all the 3 system are included in to Logical component and RFC- READ and TMW are fine.
could some shad some light on that ,is there any thing that needs to checked after the system copy of Managing system interns o this STMS>