We are doing retrofit via CHARM in Solman-Dev(SI0) system, where we are considering the Clients SI0-601, 602 and 603 as DEV, Quality and Prod systems for Maintenance landscape.
We are considering the clients SI0-700 and 701 as the Dev and Quality system for Upgrade landscape.
When I retrofit atransport request (e.g. SI0K903596) into the Upgrade system (Si0-700), I found that the original transport is not getting displayed in the 700 system. Only a TOC(SI0K903598) is created for it.
In SI0- 700 system the status of the import is “Request Already Imported”.
My question is how will I import the transport further into the Quality system of Upgrade landscape(SI0-701) as the original transport is not available in SI0-700 and TOC finishes in SI0-700 and can’t be moved further.