Hi guys,
we are trying to activate trace through E2E Trace Analysis, but we are getting this error:
An Exception occured when executing commands com.sap.sup.admin.e2e.trace.api.activation.EnableAbapTracingCommand_ERP : com.sap.sup.admin.e2e.trace.api.util.command.E2ETraceCommandException: Could not execute command for system ERP:Tracing cannot be enabled. Reason: Error occured when calling /SDF/E2E_ENABLE_TRACE via RFC destination SM_ERPCLNT300_READ in ERP : Returncode = 4 Check location com.sap.sup.admin.e2e.trace.for details
The RFC "SM_ERPCLNT300_READ" is an RFC created on Solman and connects to ERP central instance on client 300.
Which could be the cause?