I'm at the stage of configuration where I'm wanting to put hyperlinks into my Smart Forms. I came across this interesting article:
I'm still slightly confused though. For example, I'm trying to create a URL which takes users directly to a Defect Correction (Display). I've copied the URL directly from the Web Client and it is:
I've highlighted certain parts in red as I'm not sure what this information relates to? However, the CRM Document ID for this Defect is 5000000000.
So I tried to make my own URL as per below:
However my URL does not work?
What am I missing? I don't need the Business Role as I have this as a Parameter in SU01. Object TYpe AIC_OB_CMTM definitely appears under my Navigation Bar Profile. The error I'm getting is:
"No access for action Bc of object type Defect Correction (AIC_OB_CMTM)"
However, I definitely do have access and the URL I provided above in red works.
How do I make my own URL for Defect 5000000000?