we have used solution manager, all the configuration and test in solution manager, project is ZIMG_CR, for fi/co configuration, we have five consultants working on this, each has about 20 change request.
so instead of going to SPRO to look for each transport request, is there any way we input one transaction code, so all the transport related to can be viewed from there, in SPRO of R3 server,if I choose "go to project management", i can see ZIMG_CR project is there, I choose display project, but it only list the project member information, it didn't show IMG configuration path , so how to view all the IMG configuration under project ZIMG_CR?
I try enter t-code: ZIMG_CR, but it show nothing
Similarly, how to view each test case(including t-code, but not the documentattion) related to project ZIMG_CR.?