I am currently implementing a new Solution Manager version 7.1.
Our old Solman 7.01 never really monitored things correctly so I'm determined this one will work right!
I've gone through all the config steps and I've got to the point where it tells me to install the diagnostics agent on the child systems.
Now we still have mostly Netweaver 7.00 based systems, although this year we plan to get things up to date. But currently they all have the SMD diagnostic agent rather than the DAA one that is installed now.
My question is, do I need to upgrade it/install DAA for the monitoring to work properly. And if so, what version should I use if the systems it's monitoring are 7.00.... can you still use a 7.40 diagnostic agent install as it's basically standalone so shouldn't effect the actual system....
I have gone to the step in 7.1 setup where it says click on Get agents and although I've registered about 6 systems in the SLD, it only shows one system which is a 7.40 JAVA stack install....
Thank you,