Hi Experts,
I have an requirement where I need to configure automated BASIS health checks on satellite systems via Solution Manager. We have Solution Manager 7.1 SP12.
The daily monitoring and health checks tasks that we do are to be automated. For example
SM12 = Check locks
SM13 = Check failed updates
DB12 = Check Backup and DB logs
ST22 = Check ABAP dumps
SM21 = Check System Logs
ST02 = Check Memory and Buffers
and so on.
These above tasks are done manually and updated in daily report. We want this automated. What we want is that all these checks are automatically run at 10 AM daily and report is build with the information. This report also has to be sent by email.
Managed system configuration is already done. I do see these type of tasks listed under tcode Solman_workcenter --> System Monitoring --> Proactive Monitoring. But with that it is done manually. Also under Central System Administration when i click on Setup CSA--> and click on solution --> click on System --> i do see different BASIS, DB etc tasks listed there, but i think think that is more of documentation and manual tasks.
Could you please help me in this and how can i achieve this automated Basis health checks?