Hi experts.
After upgrading Solman 7.1 to SP-Level 17 everything works fine:
System Preperation and Basic Configuration is completely green.
BUT when i try to start a new transaction in Maintenacne Optimizer i get the error:
500 SAP Internal Server Error
ERROR: Syntax error in program /TMWFLOW/SAPLCONFIG_SERVICES . (termination: RABAX_STATE)
In ST22 i can see in a dump:
Syntax error in program "/TMWFLOW/SAPLCONFIG_SERVICES ".
The current ABAP program "CL_SOCM_IBASE_CONVERTER=======CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
The following syntax error occurred in program "/TMWFLOW/SAPLCONFIG_SERVICES "
line 34:
"Feld "CHECK_ID_IMP_DESTINATION_PLUG" unbekannt. Es existiert aber ein "
"Feld mit dem ähnlichen Namen "CHECK_ID_IMP_DESTINATION"."
So it tells me that the field CHECK_ID_IMP_DESTINATION_PLUG is unknown.. But im not able to find any helpful notes.
So do you have andy ideas? Thanks in advance.