Hi Everyone,
We are doing global implementation and are planning to go live with ChaRM soon. We have dual track landscapes, for production support we have decided to use ZMCR/ZMHF but we are still not sure if we should go with QGM or ZMCR/ZMHF for project track.
QGM is simpler but lacks approval/workflow ability that ZMCR has. On the other hand ZMCR/ZMHF offers all the features we are looking for but does it really make sense to use urgent change in project landscape? I am asking because in project we want to move transports in bulk at various phases of projects. How is this controlled using maintenance project and urgent change?
I am aware there is also normal change, but we would like keep the same process for production and project, and also normal change involves TOC which we do not like to use.
So my question is does it makes sense to use only ZMCR/ZMHF in project track? If so how to control movement of transports?