hi experts,
I am having the following issue in SUM SP13 at phase extraction during SOLMAN 7.1 SP13 upgrade from SP11 on windows.
Need your help.
Severe error(s) occurred in phase PREP_EXTRACT/PREIMP!
Last error code set: Single errors (code <= 8) found in logfile
ERROR:Detected the following errors:
# T:\New_folder\SUM\abap\log\R710VPE.SOP:
4 ETW000 > buffersync =yes
4 ETW000 > commit =1048576
4 ETW000 > importtruncated =yes
4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: H:\usr\sap\SOP\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3trans.EXE -w
T:\New_folder\SUM\abap\tmp\R710VPE.SOP -u 1
4 ETW000 active unconditional modes: 1
2EETW169 no connect possible: "connect failed with DBLI_RC_LOAD_LIB_FAILED."