We have one particular monitor that won't return any value, consistently gray.
Monitoring scenario is Shopping Cart/PPO process - we have cases where Shopping carts fail to create purchase orders in our ECC system.
We can see the errors, and have created a monitor with a threshold of '1" just to try to trigger the alert.
Process being monitored is PURORD006, monitor object is boppocol
Configuration is generated and activated, there are no errors in SLG1. Monitor runs every 5 minutes. There are no config errors showing anywhere, and there are no authorization errors for any users.
There are a few red extractors, but they're all workload/e2e related, not BPMON. Agents are green.
Solman is 7.1 Sp12, newly upgraded, all Managed system config/techmon/bpm config clean and green . This also did not work in our previous SP10 incarnation.
Does not matter which ECC system we configure for this, they all act the same way, no metric. Like there's something fundamentally incorrect with our setup or we aren't understanding how this particular monitor works. We have other BPM monitors that work just fine, so it's not a complete config failure, just this one particular one.
ECC system has st-pi 2008-1-700 10
st-a/pi is 01R_700
System is not allowing me to embed screenshots.. grr..... attached screen shots.
Any help appreciated.