I am trying to build SAP TAO Customizing the Runtime Library for and following the instructions:
1. Edit “CBASE_Custom_Wrappers.vbs
2. added code as follows:
Sub CUSTOM_CaptureScreen( windowTitle )
Dim activeWindow
Set activeWindow = TAO.GetSapGuiSession().ActiveWindow
If activeWindow.Text = windowTitle Then
End If
End Sub
3. Verifying the Syntax of Custom Code by executing CBASE_Bootstarp.vbs was able to see CBASE_Custom_Wrapper.vbs
4. Call the Execute statement :
Library: CBASE_Custom_Wrappers.vbs
Statement "CUSTOM_CaptureScreen “Screen Name”
But I am getting error as * ERROR DETECTED * Error: 1032 Description: Invalid character Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error * LAST CONTROL URI * label -> titl type -> GuiTitlebar id -> /app/con[0]/ses[0]/wnd[0]/titl
I was expecting the custom wrapper to work according to SAP TAO 3.0 SP2 and above Runtime Library and default 184
Any help would be welcome
PS: Check the screen shots