We are interested in configuring the Conflict Management functionality, but there is no requirement of configuring Change Request management (CHARM); and further can Conflict Management be combined with Custom Code Management?
Is it possible to implement or configure Conflict management as a separate functionality like Quality Gate or Retrofit for example.
Done: Check the RFC connections
Tried: Activate the cross-system object lock for each satellite system, where it asks to select the client from System/Client column.
And there is no system listed in the table.
If possible, where are this entries maintained, so that I can see the managed system / client details to proceed.
Then, it will be only step Globally activate the cross-system object lock, once done may be Conflict Management can be activated.
Hoping its possible without CHARM and also possible to integrate with Custom Code Management.
Folks, Experts...Thanks to confirm.
Best Regards,
Prajakta Patkar.