I'm testing End-User Experience Monitoring with Solution Manager 7.1 SP12 ("SM1") at the moment. I've already installed an EEM Robot on VMWare (Win7_64bit) and I've configured as described in EEM-Wiki. The scenario I'm monitoring is the creation of an incident ticket in another Solman-System("SM2").
Now, I want to consolidate the client-side trace-data with server-side trace-data in E2E Trace Analysis-Tool.
I've uploaded the data via Transaction-ID successfully and see all the data from EEM.
If I now try to get the server-data confirming popup-window, I see message "Could not find any technical system of type (SAP-)J2EE, ABAP, .NET, WebSphere, BusinessObjects, SUP, HANA or Tomcat. For this reason some functions are disabled."
When I start the E2E Trace Analysis in the Workcenter environment, there I get the message "" when I want to activate trace on ABAP/J2EE-System.
Who can help me to configurate Root-Cause-Analysis for End-User Experience Monitoring in Solution Manager?
Best Regards,