Hi experts,
yesterday we had the following issue.
A host was extremly slow. It was an VM-Issue.
But, the host was ping-able, so the host-ping metric didn't fire an alert.
However, it was not possible to make a logon on the system.
But, no one of the "instance logon metrics" did fire an alert.
I did check it. The thing is/was, that all the checks are done by LOCAL DAA.
And as the sytem was so slow, no availability-values had been reported from DAA.
So, we had a system which was not working, but didn't got any alert.
My question is now, I did see that in the template for "Technical Systems", there is a "ABAP-System Remote RFC-Availability" metric.
Which is executed by Solman.
(data collector is "RFC (PULL)" and supplier is "RFC Check from Solman").
I would like to have the same check, on instance level.
But I am not really sure, what I have to enter into the field "DESTINAION".
On system level it is "$T_SYSTEM_DESTINATION$".
Is there a similar value on instance-level?
Thank you