I just installed Solution Manager 7.1 on Linux and DB2. Though all the web-based transactions, like
solman_workcenter are not working.
1) I managed my local hosts file
2) I enabled all the /sap/bc services in transaction SICF
3) I googled, that it is necessary to setup the Solution Manager using the transaction solman_setup.
I tried to do it, but an IE window pops up prompting me to login (via popup). Afterwards, I am getting
the following error:
The website cannot display the page | |
HTTP 500 | |
Most likely causes:
The URL which tried to open is:
I went again to SICF, but I don't have an entry, called sap under /sap/bc/webdynpro. And everything in
/sap/bc is activated anyway...
Please help me to correctly configure my Solution Manager :-)