I'm trying to set up an ITSM-SLA scenario according Oss note 1913133.
Despite I followed the not and the relevant documentation, I noticed the followings problems:
1) "First Response by" (IRT) item and the Maximun Process Time (MPT) are not calculated when the incident is created and it is in new status.
These items are only updated when the incident goes in status 'In Process'.
2) the 'First Reaction ' item it's not updated when the incident it's managed for the first time from the processor. It remains unfilled also when the incident it's confirmed.
The Service Profile/Response Profile are properly selected by the system when the incident it's created.
They are linked to the Service Product Investigation
The Date
I double checked the status of table CRMV_SRQM_DATSTA, but everything seems to be ok.
What could be the reason of this behaviour ?