Hi Solman Experts !
I am currently involved in a ChaRM implementation where the client is interested in not using "transport of copies" within Normal Change. They have a 4 system landscape (Dev > QA > Preprod > Prod). Is this feasible? Is there any documentation that you could point me to or share your personal experiences in previous implementations regarding this.
The primary reason for the client to stray away from TOC is that they perform their "System Integration" test in their Quality box. Their reservation is that when they are performing Integration tests the integrity of the test results could be compromised due to existing Transport of Copies in the system which may later be set back to "In Development". Hence they could be perfoming Integration testing on a system that is subject to change.
My response was to set the Mtc cycle to "Test" Phase to avoid any transport movement but due to their overlapping release cycles and development cycles it is not an option.
I have found a note that is related 1644036 and deals with errors while running Normal Change without TOCs but not with its setup.
I would really appreciate if you can share any SAP documentation on this.