We are trying to add a NW730 Java system as a Managed System in our Solution Manager 7.10 system. We are stuck in Step 7 Configure Automatically -> Single Sign On Setup. The Solution Manager Documentation for this step refers to SAP note 1121248. However this note describes the steps for NW 7.0 and below using Visual Administrator.
I have been successfull in exporting the Certificate fron the Solution Manager system with Tx STRUSTSSO2.
I have been successful in loading the Certificate into the TicketKeystore view, but I am unable to determine how to configure the ACL and also to configure the SSO Enabled for the Java Applications:
sap.com/tc~monitoring~systeminfo*sap_monitoring (for SystemInfo)
sap.com/SQLTrace*OpenSQLMonitors and sap.com/SQLTrace*SQLTrace (for SQL*Trace)
Please can someone point me to some documentation or explaine how for configure the SSO tickes in NW 730