Hi All,
I am currently configuring SAP Component Based Test Automation (CBTA) and encountered this error when setting the System Under Test (SUT),
The SID, Product Name, UI Technologies fields are not populated when the RFC specifically used for CBTA is set:
This stops me from proceeding and completing the SUT set up. Target system for SUT is ECC 6.0 and the RFC has been set with the default technical user profile from SOLMAN_SETUP. System Data Container (SDC) is set with the RFC from above, and the following SAP Notes have been implemented,
1. Under 1980348 - Collective Note CBTA: corrections on ST-TST 300 SP3 for Solution Manager
a. 2002689 Selfcheck: invalid check of notes
b. 1996841 Creating CBTA test script from PFA recording fails
c. 1988170 Usability improvements for SUT Management
Appreciate you help! Thanks!