I'm trying to configure a simple test Sla scenario, as described in the usefull blog:
Incident Management: SLA configuration hints for SAP Solution Manager 7.1
sure the better place to post this message should be the blog itself, but for an unknow reason I'm not able to add a comment on it.
Anyway I executed all the steps suggested in the blog.
Now when I run crm_ui I select the Businnes Role, then the system propose me the Transaction Type I created.
But these errors appears while compiling the incident fields:
"Details Item 10: No item category could be determined.
Details Item 10: Conversion factors are invalid"
The error seems to me related to the step " Item Category Determination" but I'm not able to find out what's wrong:
I see one rows with
Transaction Type : ZMIN
Main Item Categ: SRVP
Item Category : SMIP
And one row with:
Transaction Type : ZMIN
Item Category : SMIP
It seems to me the same as described into the blog; surely I did some mistake somewhere else.
Any advise ?
best regards