I have a new Soution Manager 7.1 Stack 11 where the steps System Preparation and Basic Configuration have been perfored copletely and sucessfuly.
Now I'm doing the Managed System scenario to attach an Abap system, ABC, composed by a CI and an AS.
On the hosts where are running the AS and the CI are installed the SMD agents (rel 7110, patchno 37).
For both the CI and AS instances I ran the command smdsetup managingconfig successfully to connect the SMD agents to the Solution Manager.
For the CI In step Connect Diagnostic Agent I was able to select and to assign the SMD agent.
For the AS it's not possible, despite I'm able to see the SMD agent running on the AS into the SLD Agent Candidates popup, (with a green light ), I'm not able to select it to assign to the As instance.
Pratically the error is described in note 1885526 - Diagnostics Agent is not listed in the Managed System Configuration, but the agent does not appears despite the smdsetup managingconfig command gone successfully.
Some advises ?