Good Day,
I am upgrading the solution manager 7.1 to the latest support packs (Sp11) and NW stack to SP14 as per maintenance optimer calculations using SUM (Software Update Manager). i am now encountering problems under the Preprocessing and phase MAIN_SHDCRE/SHADOW_NTACT_CP.. It seems like it failing to create the indexes on the shadow tables as per below log:
3 ETP000 ntab export without TOUCH dependant objects
3 ETP000 Nametab for "/SAPDMC/LSOCOD" copied (conv. 2: ext. '~')
3 ETP000Xcp nt "/SAPDMC/LSODOC":
3 ETP000 ntab export without TOUCH dependant objects
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2AETP000XWrite table "/SAPDMC/LSODOC~ ": pgntab call: SQL error.
3 ETP000 ntab export without TOUCH dependant objects
3 ETP000 Nametab for "/SAPDMC/LSOFIL" copied (conv. 2: ext. '~')
3 ETP000Xcp nt "/SAPDMC/LSOFIS":
3 ETP000 ntab export without TOUCH dependant objects
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2AETP000XWrite table "/SAPDMC/LSOFIS~ ": pgntab call: SQL error.
Anyone who has experience this problem and how was it resolved?
Kind regards,