In my customer sceanrio we have 2 projects
1. TESTSST which is acting as SSOT (Single Source of Truth) Template project
2. TESTEE whcih is my E2E project where I have derived the Business Process Steps from TESTSST project.This is again an Template Project.
I have created 2 documents in my TESTEE project under 2 different scenarios but against the same process step
Now I want to get both these documents into my TESTSST Project.
Hence I performed action ‘Compare Project’ from TESTSST Project with below set of options as recommended in the attached document page number 15.
Yet I am unable to get the Compare & Adjust icon and documents into my TESTSST Project.
I kept TESTSST as my Template Project
And created another TESTEEIMP as my E2E project but of type Implentantion Project.
Now when I performed COMPARE PROJECT from TESTSST, I got the comparison icon and upon doing the COMPARE & ADJUST both the documents from TESTEEIMP (Impl Proj) was retrieved into my TESTSST (Template Project)
Now my question is:
1. Does this COMPARE and COMPARE & ADJUST functionality work only form project types IMPL - TEMPLATE
Or does it work between TEMPLATE - TEMPLATE projects as well.
2. Documents in solar02 have 4 status (Copy Editing, In Processing, Review & Released)
Does it compare/compare & Adjust hold good for all the status of documents or only to specific status of documents.
Your urgent assistance would be of great help.
Ajay Shetti