Hi All,
I have few queries on creating multiple charm projects for complex landscape environments as we have around 100 odd SAP systems as below
ECC dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
SRM dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
Portal dev, test, QA, and PRD environments
Portal - SRM dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
Portal SCM dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
BI Portal dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
ECC java dev, test and PRD environments
SCM dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
MDM dev, QA and PRD environments
NWDI dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
BOE dev, test, QA, Preprod and PRD environments
So my question would be whether it is ideal to create multiple charm projects as some systems have 3 system landscape and other systems have 5 system landscape ??
I suppose it is good to seperate projects to avoid confusion.
Please suggest if I am right.