Hi experts,
Recently I have configured BI monitoring to monitor process chain by following central note 1558756 - Solution Manager 7.1 - BI Monitoring: Prerequisites.
I am able to see all the BW process chain related data under step 6.2 of Monitoring&alerting, but when I run the step7 Activate Bi monitoring I get the log message saying "activation status could not be determined" for process chain along with queries.
I also tried running the same report(AC_BIMON_MASS_AUTOCONFIG ) in se38 as mentioned in note 1692218, the result it displays as complete, but still no luck in recieving any alerts in inbox.
Raised OSS for the same, any input in the mean while would be really appreciated.
Solution manager 7.1
ST-PI 2008_1_700 sp8
ST-A/PI 01Q_700
Managed System BW7.4
ST-PI 2008_1_700 sp8
ST-A/PI 01Q_700 sp2