I am facing an issue with Oracle on the Solution Manager 7.1 installation. The error message given below generated immediately on initiating ./RUNINSTALLER. As per the message, 'bin' directory doesn't contain 'oracle' executable. On verifying it is found that there is no 'bin' directory. Request your advice.
Solution Manager 7.1
Oracle 11.2.3
Redhat Linux 6.4
======================== Error Message ====================================
Post-installation tasks are not executed.
. Reason: error during installation
. Post-installation tasks have been skipped.
. Installation Results
. (ERROR) - Oracle Database software installation finished with errors.
. The Oracle executable /oracle/S01/11203/bin/oracle is empty or does not exist.
. Possible cause(s): link error, installation was cancelled or interrupted, or fatal error.
. (INFO) - You can find the installation summary log at /oracle/S01/11ginstall_11203.log
. (EXIT) - Exiting with exit code 2.
======================== End ====================================