Hi All,
We have content server 6.40 running on MaxDB 7.6 on a standalone server and wasn't integrated into Solution Manager 7.01 SP13.
So I installed SAP Host Agent 720 on the standalone server and added an entry into SOLMAN via Technical Infastructure > Configure Central System > Create remote monitoring entry. All added perfectly and now shows up in RZ20 > SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors > Selfmonitoring CCMS Agents as SAPCCMSR.<SERVERHOST>.99
Perfect just how I wanted. However we seem to have an issue that the status of this agent keeps alerting as "Inactive since 24.03.2014, 07:00:39. Last test: 24.03.2014, 07:00:39" every hour. Almost as if it restarts itself, but there there are no logs to show this on the managed system!
Just to clarify we have an Auto-reaction method associated with class CsmTaskCcmsAgent.Status that emails us when an alert is triggered, but since this is triggering every hour it's getting a little annoying to say the least.
Anyone know why this might be happening and how I can stop it?