Hi Guru's,
I am facing this issue in solman 7.1 sap basis patch level 12.
When createing new mantanance optimizer after selecting the solution and system i am getting the warning as
Status was reset by system
Enable/Disable Project SelectionSOCM_ACTION_LOG097
Inconsistency when setting the document status. The status was reset. Resolve
the error described in the error or warning message.
System Response
The operation has been cancelled.
Resolve the error described in the detailed error message.
and doesnot go further .Prior to this I was getting the landscape verification not completed warning.For solving the landscape verification warning i applied latest CR content for SLD.and landscape verification went right.now when i am trying to create maintanance optimizer.i am getting this warning Status was reset by system.
I went thru blogs and forums and came across snote 1296589 and did as per the snote but the issue is still the same.Please can anyone help me in this as my upgrade is jeopardy.
Akif Shaikh